Смотреть что такое "Salassi" в других словарях:
Салассы — (Salassi) кельтийско лигурийское племя в долине Дурии, в Галлии, по ту сторону По (Gallia transpadana), упорно защищавшее свою независимость против римлян. Август совершенно уничтожил С., отчасти продав их в рабство, отчасти переселив в другие… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
САЛАССЫ — • Salassi, Σαλασσοί, кельтско лигурийское племя при Дурии в Галлии по ту сторону По, так упорно защищавшее свои горные местности, что Август наконец совсем уничтожил его, одних продав в рабство, других переселив в другие страны. В… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Alpine regiments of the Roman army — Roman infantry helmet (Imperial Gallic type). Late 1st century Th … Wikipedia
Aosta — Aoste redirects here. For the village Aoste in France, see Aoste, Isère.For the infantry division, see 28 Infantry Division Aosta Aosta Aoste Comune Città di Aosta Ville d Aoste … Wikipedia
salasso — 1sa·làs·so s.m. 1. CO TS med. operazione terapeutica o preventiva consistente nel far defluire una cospicua quantità di sangue venoso periferico allo scopo di ridurne la massa in circolazione, che si esegue mediante aspirazione con ago o… … Dizionario italiano
Augusta Praetoria Salassorum — (modern name, Aosta) is an ancient town in Italy founded by Augustus in about 24 BC on the site of the camp arena of Marcus Terentius Varro settled by 3000 Praetorian guards. The place had been occupied by the Salassi tribe, whose people perished … Wikipedia
Veragri — The Veragri (Greek: polytonic|Οὐάραγροι) were an ancient tribe located in present day Switzerland. The Veragri are placed by Julius Caesar ( B. G. iii. 1, 6) in the canton of Valais between the Nantuates and the Seduni. Their chief town was… … Wikipedia
Ceutrones — Map of Provincia Galliae Alpes Graiae et Poeninae occupied by the Ceutrones in about the 1st Century A.D. Note: Lake Geneva is shown at the top. The Ceutrones (variant form: Centrones) were a pre Roman Celtic tribe of ancient Gaul that controlled … Wikipedia
Salasser — Gallia cisalpina. Die Salasser (Salassi) waren ein Alpenvolk im heutigen Nordwest Italien. Sie waren entweder Kelten[1] oder keltisierte Ligurer[2] und bewohnten das Tal der Duria (Dora Baltea). Dort fanden sich ergie … Deutsch Wikipedia
Valle d'Aosta — /vahl le dah aw stah/ a region in NW Italy. 114,162; 1259 sq. mi. (3260 sq. km). * * * Autonomous region (pop., 2001 prelim.: 119,356), northwestern Italy. Covering an area of 1,259 sq mi (3,262 sq km), it is enclosed on three sides by the Alps;… … Universalium
Aosta — City (pop., 2001: 33,926), capital of Valle d Aosta region, northwestern Italy. Located at the juncture of the Great and Little St. Bernard Pass roads through the Alps, it was a stronghold of the Salassi, a Celtic tribe subdued by the Romans in… … Universalium