
I sabbatārius, a, um [ sabbata ]
субботний (luxus Sid)
II sabbatārius, ī m. [ sabbata ]
блюститель субботы, перен. еврей M

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "sabbatarius" в других словарях:

  • sabatario — ► adjetivo/ sustantivo 1 HISTORIA Se aplicaba a los hebreos porque guardaban el sábado de forma religiosa. ► adjetivo 2 HISTORIA Se refería a los judíos conversos de los primeros siglos del cristianismo que continuaban guardando el sábado. * * *… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Sabbatarian — Sab ba*ta ri*an, n. [L. Sabbatarius: cf. F. sabbataire. See {Sabbath}.] 1. One who regards and keeps the seventh day of the week as holy, agreeably to the letter of the fourth commandment in the Decalogue. [1913 Webster] Note: There were… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Seventh-day Baptists — Sabbatarian Sab ba*ta ri*an, n. [L. Sabbatarius: cf. F. sabbataire. See {Sabbath}.] 1. One who regards and keeps the seventh day of the week as holy, agreeably to the letter of the fourth commandment in the Decalogue. [1913 Webster] Note: There… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sabbatarian — I. noun Etymology: Latin sabbatarius, from sabbatum sabbath Date: 1613 1. one who observes the Sabbath on Saturday in conformity with the letter of the fourth commandment 2. an adherent of Sabbatarianism II. adjective Date: circa 1631 1. of or… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Σαββατάριοι — οι, Ν αιρετικοί που εμφανίστηκαν κατά τον 16ο αιώνα στη Μοραβία και στη Βοημία και οι οποίοι τηρούσαν ως αργία αντί τής Κυριακής το Σάββατο, αίρεση που διαδόθηκε και σε άλλες χώρες τής κεντρικής Ευρώπης, αλλά, τελικά, αφομοιώθηκε στις… …   Dictionary of Greek

  • sabbatarian — 1610s, a Christian unusually strict about Sabbath observation, from L. Sabbatarius (adj.), from Sabbatum (see SABBATH (Cf. Sabbath)). Meaning member of a Christian sect which maintained the Sabbath should be observed on the seventh day is… …   Etymology dictionary

  • sabbatarian — [ˌsabə tɛ:rɪən] noun a strict observer of the sabbath. adjective relating to or upholding the observance of the sabbath. Derivatives sabbatarianism noun Origin C17: from late L. sabbatarius (from L. sabbatum sabbath ) + an …   English new terms dictionary

  • Шаббатаризм —  ♦ (ENG Sabbatarianism)  (лат. sabbatarius относящийся к шаббату)    воззрение, получившее развитие в 17 в. в Англии и в более позднем пуританстве и настаивавшее на строгом соблюдении четвертой заповеди: святить день субботний (Исх. 20:8) …   Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов

  • Sabbatarian — /sæbəˈtɛəriən/ (say sabuh tairreeuhn) noun 1. someone who observes the seventh day of the week (Saturday) as the Sabbath. 2. someone who adheres to or favours a strict observance of Sunday. {obsolete Sabbatary (from Latin sabbatārius relating to… …  

  • sabatario — sabatario, ria (Del lat. sabbatarĭus). 1. adj. Se dice de los hebreos, que guardaban santa y religiosamente el sábado. Era u. m. c. s.) 2. Se dice de los judíos conversos de los primeros siglos, que continuaban guardando el sábado …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Sabbatarian — [sab΄ə ter′ē ən] adj. [LL(Ec) sabbatarius] 1. of the Sabbath and its observance 2. of the beliefs and practices of the Sabbatarians n. 1. a person, esp. a Christian, who observes Saturday as the Sabbath 2. a Christian who favors rigid observance… …   English World dictionary

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