
Ap = Sabaz-

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Sabad-" в других словарях:

  • Anand Sahib — Anand Sahib: This Bani is part of the Nitnem or prayer which are read by Amritdhari Sikhs in the morning. The Bani was written by Guru Amar Das, the third Guru of the Sikhs and form part of the 5 Banis that are recited daily by baptised Sikhs.… …   Wikipedia

  • God in Sikhism — The fundamental belief of Sikhism is that God exists, not merely as an idea or concept, but as a Real Entity, indescribable yet knowable and perceivable to anyone who is prepared to dedicate the time and energy to become perceptive to His/Her… …   Wikipedia

  • Lasem — Administration Pays  Indonesie !Indonésie Type district kabupaten Rembang …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Hamed Abdel-Samad — (2010) Hamed Abdel Samad (arabisch ‏حامد عبد الصمد‎, DMG Ḥāmid ʿAbd aṣ Ṣamad; * 1972 bei Gizeh, Ägypten) ist ein deutsch ägyptischer Politikw …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Раджастхани —         раджастани, один из индоарийских языков. Распространён в штате Раджастхан (на С. З. Индии) и некоторых граничащих с ним районах Пакистана. Число говорящих на Р. свыше 20,5 млн. чел. (1971, оценка). Относится к индоевропейской семье языков …   Большая советская энциклопедия

  • Sikhism — (: ] Guru Nanak Dev Ji described God s revelation the path to salvation with terms such as nām (the divine Name ) and śabad (the divine Word) to emphasise the totality of the revelation. Nanak designated the word guru (meaning teacher ) as the… …   Wikipedia

  • Korrigan — In Breton folklore, a Korrigan ([kɔˈriːɡɑ̃n]) is a fairy or dwarf like spirit. The word means (Korr dwarf, ig is a diminutive and the suffix an is an hypocoristic) small dwarf . Their name change according to the place. Among the other names,… …   Wikipedia

  • Kirtan Sohila — Kirtan Sohila: Three Gurus – Guru Nanak, Guru Ram Das and Guru Arjan contributed five shabads on the pain of separation and celebrating the bliss of union. The first three Shabads were uttered by Guru Nanak, the fourth by Guru Ram Das and the… …   Wikipedia

  • Rajasthani language — language name=Rajasthani nativename=राजस्थानी familycolor=Indo European states=Rajasthan (India) speakers= 80 million (approx.)Fact|date=January 2008 fam2=Indo Iranian fam3=Indo Aryan fam4=Central Indo Aryan fam5=Rajasthani iso2=raj… …   Wikipedia

  • Satnam — can also be used in Sikh names as well IndicText Satnaam | ਸਤਿਨਾਮੁ This word is the second word that appears in the Sikhs sacred Scripture called the Sri Guru Granth Sahib. It is part of the Gurbani shabad called Mool Mantra which is repeated… …   Wikipedia

  • Dialects of Rajasthani — It is a perplexing question as to ask the number of dialects of Rajasthani language. Many scholars have classified Rajasthani further into its dialects according to their understanding. After Sir George Abraham Grierson and M. L. Menariya, many… …   Wikipedia

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