- asbeston
ī n. (греч.)несгораемая (огнестойкая) ткань Vr
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
asbestos — [14] Originally, the word we now know as asbestos was applied in the Middle Ages to a mythical stone which, once set alight, could never be put out; it came from the Greek compound ásbestos, literally ‘inextinguishable’, which was formed from the … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
asbestos — [14] Originally, the word we now know as asbestos was applied in the Middle Ages to a mythical stone which, once set alight, could never be put out; it came from the Greek compound ásbestos, literally ‘inextinguishable’, which was formed from the … Word origins
asbestos — noun Etymology: Middle English albeston mineral supposed to be inextinguishable when set on fire, probably from Middle French abeston, from Medieval Latin asbeston, alteration of Latin asbestos, from Greek, unslaked lime, from asbestos… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Oberbau — (permanent way; superstructure; armamento). Einteilung: A. Die Schienen. I. Baustoff, Herstellung, Behandlung. II. Gestalt der Schienen. III. Schienenlänge. IV. Verteilung der Schwellen. – B. Die Unterlagen und die Befestigung der Schienen. I.… … Enzyklopädie des Eisenbahnwesens
asbestos — asbestine /as bes tin, az /, asbestous, adj. asbestoid, asbestoidal, adj. /as bes teuhs, az /, n. 1. Mineral. a fibrous mineral, either amphibole or chrysotile, formerly used for making incombustible or fireproof articles. 2. a fabric woven from… … Universalium
Асбест — (греч. asbeston linon несгораемая пряжа). На рубеже нашего летосчисления античным мастерам был уже известен способ изготовления пряжи из волокон минералов группы роговой обманки для использования ее в качестве фитилей светильников … Словарь античности
TALCHUM — Arabibus talck, Avicenae est aster Samius Veterum, aliis alumen Scaiolae, at Graecis omnibus recentioribus, praecipue Χημευτικοῖς, Veterum ἀφροτέληνον, qui aliô nomine Σεληνίτης λίθος, lapis inanis et levis, quod per lunae augmenta plenior ac… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
asbestos — as•bes•tos [[t]æsˈbɛs təs, æz [/t]] n. 1) mir a fibrous mineral, either amphibole or chrysotile, formerly used for making incombustible or fireproof articles and in building insulation 2) a fabric woven from asbestos fibers, formerly used for… … From formal English to slang
asbestos — /əsˈbɛstəs / (say uhs bestuhs), /æs / (say as ) noun 1. any of various silicate minerals having a fibrous structure, in particular, the amphibole group and chrysotile; used in fire retardant devices and clothing and in building materials, but now …