- runcina
I ae f. (греч.)
рубанок, струг Vr, PM, Vlg, EcclII Runcīna, ae f. [ runco ]Рунцина, богиня полольных или уборочных работ Aug
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Runcīna — Runcīna, römische Göttin des Jätens od. des Abnehmens des Getreides … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
RUNCINA — Dea, quae frumento runcando, i. e. a terra auferendo, praeesse ab antiquis credita est. Lil. Gyrald. Synt. 2. Hist. Deorum … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Runcina — In Roman mythology, Runcina was a goddess of agriculture, associated with reaping and weeding (the latter was thus known as runcation).In biology, Runcina is the name of a genus of sea slugs … Wikipedia
Runcina — In honor of Runcina, a Roman Goddess invoked to prevent the growth of weeds and so promote the harvest … Etymological dictionary of grasses
Indigitamenta — Les indigitations[1], plus connues sous leur nom latin d’indigitamenta sont, au sens propre du mot des invocations ou des incantations[2],[3]. C est le titre donné à un recueil de prières, un rituel pontifical où figuraient les invocations… … Wikipédia en Français
rouanne — [ rwan ] n. f. • XVIIe; roisne XIIIe; lat. pop. °rucina, class. runcina, gr. rhukanê « rabot » ♦ Techn. 1 ♦ Outil servant à dégrossir et creuser le bois. Petite rouanne (ou ROUANNETTE n. f., 1642 ). 2 … Encyclopédie Universelle
Runcinate — Run ci*nate, a. [L. runcinatus, p. p. of runcinare to plane off, fr. runcina a plane.] (Bot.) Pinnately cut with the lobes pointing downwards, as the leaf of the dandelion. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
runcinate — adjective Etymology: Latin runcinatus, past participle of runcinare to plane off, from runcina plane Date: 1776 pinnately cut with the lobes pointing downward < runcinate leaves of the dandelion > see leaf illustration … New Collegiate Dictionary
Cephalaspidea — Headshield slugs A live individual of Chelidonura varians in the family Aglajidae, head end towards the lower left Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
List of heraldic charges — This article does not cover those charges which derive their shape in part from that of the field; see Ordinary (heraldry). Subordinary chargesA few simple charges are traditionally, and arbitrarily, classified among the subordinaries. (All other … Wikipedia
List of Roman deities — Ancient Roman religion Marcus Aurelius (head covered) sacrificing at the Temple of Jupiter … Wikipedia