- rosatum
rosātum, ī n. (sc. vinum)розовое вино Pall, Lampr
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
ROSATUM — apud Ael. Lamprid. in Heliogabalo, 19. Nam rosatum ab aliis acceptum, pinearum etiam attritione odor atius reddidit: an poculi, an potionis nomen? Sequitur certe, Denique haec genera poculorum (namque et masticati quoque ac puleiati paulo ante… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Rosātum — (lat.), Rosenwein … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Aromaticum rosatum — is a medicinal powder made of red roses, liquorice, aloeswood, yellowheart, cinnamon, cloves, mace, gum, tragacanth, nutmegs, cardamoms, galangals, spikenard, ambergris, and musk mixed together. It was chiefly prescribed in cordial and cephalic… … Wikipedia
Mel rosātum — Mel rosātum, ist Rosenhonig … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
rosat — [ roza ] adj. inv. • XIIIe; calque du lat. rosatum (oleum) « (huile) rosat » ♦ Pharm. Se dit de préparations où il entre des roses, spécialt des roses rouges. Huile, miel rosat. Cour. Pommade rosat pour les lèvres. ⇒ cérat. ● rosat adjectif… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Rosenhonig — (mel rosatum) ist eine mit Rosenöl aromatisierte Glycerol Honig Mischung, die naturheilkundlich verwendet wird. Rosenhonig ist ein seit 1588 bekanntes pharmazeutisches Präparat und war zuletzt im Ergänzungsband 6 (EB 6) zum Deutschen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
МЕД — МЕД, сахаристый продукт, вырабатываемый . рабочей пчелой (Apis mellii era L.) из нектара цветов медоносных растений. Для выработки М. пчела может пользоваться кроме нектара медовой росой, выступающей в жаркие дни на листьях и стеблях нек рых из… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
Pentecost — For the Ancient Israel Pentecost , and the Jewish holiday, see Shavuot. For other uses, see Pentecost (disambiguation). Pentecost An Eastern Orthodox icon of Pentecost. This is the Icon of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. At the… … Wikipedia
Paschal Tide — is a Western Christian term for the fifty days from Easter Sunday to Pentecost. In Eastern Christianity, this period is referred to as the Pentecostarion.Liturgical aspectsThis tide was called by the older liturgists Quinquagesima paschalis or… … Wikipedia
Diarrhodon — In pre modern medicine, diarrhodon (Gr διάρροδον, compound of roses , from ῥόδων, of roses [1]) is a name given to diverse compositions, in which red roses are an ingredient.[2] Diarrhodon abbatis is a cordial powder, denominated from the Abbot… … Wikipedia
Diascordium — In pre modern medicine, diascordium (medical Lat diascordium, for diascordiōn, from Gr διὰ σκορδίων, [a preparation] of scordium, σκόρδιον, a strong smelling plant mentioned by Dioscorides , possibly Teucrium scordium[1]), or diascord, is a kind… … Wikipedia