Airshaft — In manufacturing, an airshaft is a device used for handling winding reels in the processing of web fed materials, such as continuous process printing presses.Airshafts are used in the manufacturing processes for fitting into a core onto which… … Wikipedia
Anarchy Online — Entwickler F … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ponferrada — Ponferrada, Château des Templiers … Wikipédia en Français
División de la Provincia de León (1785) — Anexo:División de la Provincia de León (1785) Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Provincia de León. Contenido 1 Partido de León 1.1 Hermandad de la Sobarriba (Jurisdicción de León) 1.2 Hermandad de Be … Wikipedia Español
Valle del Oza — Iglesia de Santiago de Peñalba … Wikipedia Español
Ponferrada — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ponferrada Escudo … Wikipedia Español
Magna Mater (band) — Magna Mater is a progressive, experimental rock group based out of Massachusetts, U.S.A. Formed in the winter of 2007 by Seth Newton, Eric Trabucco, Brian Marcou, David Jewers (2007–2010) and Roderick Macdonald (2007–2008). The groups sound is… … Wikipedia
rumeur — (ru meur) s. f. 1° Bruit sourd et général, excité par quelque mécontentement, annonçant quelque disposition à la révolte, à la sédition. Exciter de la rumeur. Apaiser la rumeur. De sourdes rumeurs. Des rumeurs menaçantes. • En ce temps un… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
DEAF-MUTE — (Heb. חֵרֵשׁ, heresh), always classed in the Talmud together with the minor and the imbecile as being irresponsible and of no independent will, from which stem all the restrictions and exemptions applying to him, both in law and the performance… … Encyclopedia of Judaism