
ī n. бот.
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Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "rheubarbarum" в других словарях:

  • RHEUBARBARUM — sinis Taihoang, in Xensia provinc. copiose provenit, diligenti culturae arte. Radix est sat solida, tuberibus hinc inde prominentibus, foliorum formâ haud ita procul a caulibus nostratibus, quos tamen magnitudine superant. Has radices pertusas… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • rhubarbe — [ rybarb ] n. f. • 1570; reubarbe XIIIe; bas lat. reubarbarum « racine barbare » ♦ Plante (polygonacées) à larges feuilles portées par de gros pétioles que l on consomme cuits; ces pétioles. Compote, confiture de rhubarbe. Tarte à la rhubarbe. ●… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Monk's rhubarb — Rhubarb Rhu barb, n. [F. rhubarbe, OF. rubarbe, rheubarbe, reubarbare, reobarbe, LL. rheubarbarum for rheum barbarum, Gr. ??? (and ??) rhubarb, from the river Rha (the Volga) on whose banks it grew. Originally, therefore, it was the barbarian… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pieplant — Rhubarb Rhu barb, n. [F. rhubarbe, OF. rubarbe, rheubarbe, reubarbare, reobarbe, LL. rheubarbarum for rheum barbarum, Gr. ??? (and ??) rhubarb, from the river Rha (the Volga) on whose banks it grew. Originally, therefore, it was the barbarian… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rheum — Rhubarb Rhu barb, n. [F. rhubarbe, OF. rubarbe, rheubarbe, reubarbare, reobarbe, LL. rheubarbarum for rheum barbarum, Gr. ??? (and ??) rhubarb, from the river Rha (the Volga) on whose banks it grew. Originally, therefore, it was the barbarian… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rheum Emodi — Rhubarb Rhu barb, n. [F. rhubarbe, OF. rubarbe, rheubarbe, reubarbare, reobarbe, LL. rheubarbarum for rheum barbarum, Gr. ??? (and ??) rhubarb, from the river Rha (the Volga) on whose banks it grew. Originally, therefore, it was the barbarian… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rheum Rhaponticum — Rhubarb Rhu barb, n. [F. rhubarbe, OF. rubarbe, rheubarbe, reubarbare, reobarbe, LL. rheubarbarum for rheum barbarum, Gr. ??? (and ??) rhubarb, from the river Rha (the Volga) on whose banks it grew. Originally, therefore, it was the barbarian… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rhubarb — Rhu barb, n. [F. rhubarbe, OF. rubarbe, rheubarbe, reubarbare, reobarbe, LL. rheubarbarum for rheum barbarum, Gr. ??? (and ??) rhubarb, from the river Rha (the Volga) on whose banks it grew. Originally, therefore, it was the barbarian plant from… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Turkey rhubarb — Rhubarb Rhu barb, n. [F. rhubarbe, OF. rubarbe, rheubarbe, reubarbare, reobarbe, LL. rheubarbarum for rheum barbarum, Gr. ??? (and ??) rhubarb, from the river Rha (the Volga) on whose banks it grew. Originally, therefore, it was the barbarian… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ruibarbo — (Del lat. rheu barbarum < gr. rheon.) ► sustantivo masculino 1 BOTÁNICA Planta herbácea vivaz poligonácea de hojas grandes, ásperas por el haz y vellosas por el envés, con flores amarillas o verdosas en espiga y rizoma grueso que se usa en… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • rabárbaro — ► sustantivo masculino BOTÁNICA Ruibarbo, planta herbácea, de la familia de las poligonáceas, con hojas grandes que son ásperas por el haz y vellosas por el envés. * * * rabárbaro (del lat. «rheubarbӑrum») m. *Ruibarbo (planta poligonácea). * * * …   Enciclopedia Universal

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