- rhadine
rhadinē adj. f. (греч.)стройная, изящная Lcr
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Erato — In Greek mythology, Erato (Ἐρατώ) is one of the Greek Muses. The name would mean lovely if derived from Eros, as Apollonius of Rhodes playfully suggested in the invocation to Erato that begins Book III of his Argonautica . Erato was named with… … Wikipedia
List of endangered species in North America — Below is the United States Fish and Wildlife Service list of endangered and threatened animal and plant species in North America.AnimalsMammals Abaco equis bark (abaco barb horse) Alouatta palliata (Mantled howler monkey) Aplodontia rufa nigra… … Wikipedia
Kretschmarr Cave Mold Beetle — Taxobox name = Kretschmarr Cave Mold Beetle regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Insecta ordo = Coleoptera subordo = Polyphaga familia = Pselaphide species = reddelli binomial = Texamaurops reddelli The Kretschmarr Cave Mold Beetle… … Wikipedia
Platynini — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda ? Platynini Paranchus albipes Clasificación científica … Wikipedia Español
Stesichorus — ▪ Greek poet born 632/629 BC, Mataurus, Bruttium, Magna Graecia [now in southern Italy] died 556/553 BC, Catania [or Himera], Sicily Greek poet known for his distinctive choral lyric verse on epic themes. His name was originally Teisias,… … Universalium