Смотреть что такое "revulsio" в других словарях:
revulsió — re|vul|si|ó Mot Agut Nom femení … Diccionari Català-Català
revulsion — SYN: derivation (1). [L. revulsio, act of pulling away, fr. revello, pp. vulsus, to pluck or pull away] * * * re·vul·sion ri vəl shən n alleviation of a localized disease by treatment (as with counterirritants) of an adjacent region * * *… … Medical dictionary
revulsión — ► sustantivo femenino MEDICINA Irritación local que se provoca para hacer cesar un estado congestivo o inflamatorio. * * * revulsión (del lat. «revulsĭo, ōnis») f. Med. Congestión provocada como método curativo aplicando un agente físico, químico … Enciclopedia Universal
révulsion — [ revylsjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XVIe; « arrachement » 1552; du lat. revulsum 1 ♦ Procédé thérapeutique qui consiste à produire un afflux de sang dans une région déterminée de manière à décongestionner un organe. 2 ♦ Profond dégoût, rejet. ⇒ répulsion. ●… … Encyclopédie Universelle
revulsie — REVÚLSIE, revulsii, s.f. Metodă de tratament care constă în aplicarea pe piele a unor substanţe care provoacă deplasarea spre piele a sângelui stagnat într un organ sau într o regiune inflamată a corpului. – Din fr. révulsion. Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
Revulsion — Re*vul sion, n. [F. r[ e]vulsion, L. revulsio, fr. revellere, revulsum, to pluck or pull away; pref. re re + vellere to pull. Cf. {Convulse}.] 1. A strong pulling or drawing back; withdrawal. Revulsions and pullbacks. SSir T. Brovne. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
revulsion — noun Etymology: Latin revulsion , revulsio act of tearing away, from revellere to pluck away, from re + vellere to pluck more at vulnerable Date: 1609 1. a strong pulling or drawing away ; withdrawal 2. a. a sudden or strong reaction or change b … New Collegiate Dictionary
revulsion — revulsionary, adj. /ri vul sheuhn/, n. 1. a strong feeling of repugnance, distaste, or dislike: Cruelty fills me with revulsion. 2. a sudden and violent change of feeling or response in sentiment, taste, etc. 3. the act of drawing something back… … Universalium
ревулзија — (лат. revulsio) 1. промена, пресврт 2. мед. а) силно движење на телесните сокови одведување и распоредување на соковите низ телото; 6) пуштање на крв за да се спречи навалата на крв во болниот орган … Macedonian dictionary
revulsion — re|vul|sion [rıˈvʌlʃən] n [U] [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: revulsio, from revellere to tear away , from vellere to pull out ] a strong feeling of shock and very strong dislike = ↑disgust →↑revolt ▪ News of the atrocities produced a wave of… … Dictionary of contemporary English
revulsion — (n.) 1540s, as a medical term, from L. revulsionem (nom. revulsio) act of pulling away, from revulsus, pp. of revellere to pull away, from re away (see RE (Cf. re )) + vellere to tear, pull. The meaning sudden reaction of disgust is first… … Etymology dictionary