- Reudigni
Reudignī, ōrum m.ревдигны, свебское племя, жившее на правом берегу нижней Лабы T
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
REUDIGNI — populi German, quorum urbs Reutlingen Lazio in Sueviâ, Tubingae finitima, inter illam 2. et Ulmam 9. leuc. Althamerus Cassubios, inter Pomeranos et Prussios, apud Dantiscum indigitat. B. vero Rhenanus Holsatos, vel Pomeranos. Brietio fuêre in… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Reudigni — The Reudigni were one of the Nerthus worshipping Germanic tribes mentioned by Tacitus in Germania . Schütte [http://www.northvegr.org/lore/sagabook/n002.php] suggests that the name should be read Rendingi or Randingi and then the name would be… … Wikipedia
РЕУДИГНЫ — • Reudigni, народ в Северной Германии, к северу от лангобардов, на правом берегу Эльбы. По объяснению одних, их имя принадлежит к oдному корню со словом Ried, камыш, болотная трава; другие объясняют готским riuds, gariuds (σεμνός), т … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Nerthus — (1905) by Emil Doepler. In Germanic paganism, Nerthus is a goddess associated with fertility. Nerthus is attested by Tacitus, the first century AD Roman historian, in his Germania. Various theories exist regarding the goddess and her potential… … Wikipedia
Angles — The Angles is a modern English word for a Germanic speaking people who took their name from the cultural ancestral region of Angeln, a modern district located in Schleswig Holstein, Germany. EtymologyThe ethnic name Angle has had various forms… … Wikipedia
Suebi — The Suebi or Suevi (from Proto Germanic * swēbaz based on the Proto Germanic root * swē meaning one s own people,cite web | last=Peterson | first=Lena | title=Swābaharjaz | work=Lexikon över urnordiska personnamn | publisher=Institutet för språk… … Wikipedia
Öland — For the Finnish island, see Åland. For other uses, see Oland (disambiguation). Öland Map of Öland … Wikipedia
Varni tribe — The Varni (Procopius), Varini (Tacitus), Varinnae (Pliny the Elder), Wærne/Werne (Widsith) and Warnii (the Thuringian Law) probably refer to a little known Germanic tribe. The name would have meant the defenders , and they may have originated in… … Wikipedia
Auiones — The Aviones or Auiones (* Awioniz meaning island people ) were one of the Nerthus worshipping Germanic tribes mentioned by Tacitus in Germania , and this tribe probably lived on Öland (Kendrick 1930:71). Tacitus wrote of the group as defended by… … Wikipedia
Suarines — The Suarines (or Suardones) were one of the Nerthus worshipping Germanic tribes mentioned by Tacitus in Germania . They have otherwise been lost to history, but Schütte [http://www.northvegr.org/lore/sagabook/n003.php] suggests that their name… … Wikipedia
Nuithones — The Nuithones were one of the Nerthus worshipping Germanic tribes mentioned by Tacitus in Germania. Schütte [3] remarks that the name is probably corrupt and suggests that the correct forms were Teutones or Euthiones (Jutes). (Original Latin)… … Wikipedia