- artio
īvī, ītum, īreвбивать, вколачивать (surculum inter librum et stirpem Cato)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Artio — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En la mitología celta, Artio era una diosa, que parece haber sido especialmente venerada por el pueblo celta de los helvecios, aunque hay datos que indican que fue igualmente venerada en otros lugares del ámbito… … Wikipedia Español
Artio — Famille … Wikipédia en Français
Artio — ist eine gallische Bärengöttin, die bei den Helvetiern und Treverern verehrt wurde. Ihr Name wird von artos, dem gallischen Wort für „Bär“ (altir. art; kymr. arth) abgeleitet. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Archäologische Funde 2 Weitere keltische… … Deutsch Wikipedia
artio — elem. par, pereche, simetrie . (< fr. artio , cf. gr. artios) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
Artio — The goddess Artio as depicted in the Muri statuette group, presumably in bear and in human form. Artio (Dea Artio in the Gallo Roman religion) was a Celtic bear goddess. Evidence of her worship has notably been found at Bern (Switzerland) whose… … Wikipedia
artio- — a combining form meaning even number, used in the formation of compound words: artiodactyl. [ < Gk ártio(s) even (in number), perfect; akin to L ars art, Skt arthya suitable, rich] * * * … Universalium
artio- — a combining form meaning even number, used in the formation of compound words: artiodactyl. [ < Gk ártio(s) even (in number), perfect; akin to L ars art, Skt arthya suitable, rich] … Useful english dictionary
artio — (G). Even in number … Dictionary of word roots and combining forms
Artio — Early Celtic priestess of a Bear clan who may have been the consort of Esus. As a goddess she was worshipped in Switzerland at Berne, a name which means ‘bears’ … Who’s Who in non-classical mythology
Ours dans la culture — Sous article d un taxon biologique … Wikipédia en Français
Brauner Karpatenbär — Braunbär Braunbär Systematik Überordnung: Laurasiatheria Ordnung … Deutsch Wikipedia