
Artemīsium, ī n.
Артемизий, мыс и город на сев. Эвбее, где происходил морской бой с персами в 480 г. до н. э. Nep, PM

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Artemisium" в других словарях:

  • Artemisium — is a cape north of Euboea, Greece. The legendary hollow cast bronze statue of a debatable Zeus or Poseidon was found off this cape in a sunken also* Temple of Artemis * Battle of Artemisium …   Wikipedia

  • Artemisium — Artemisĭum, im Altertum Name der Nordspitze von Euböa, jetzt Kap Pontikonisi, bei dem 480 v. Chr. der erste unentschiedene Seekampf zwischen Griechen und Persern stattfand; hier Heiligtum der Artemis …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • ARTEMISIUM — I. ARTEMISIUM promontor. Euboeae, cuius meminerunt Demosth. pro Ctesiphonte. Suidas. Item lacus prope Ariciam, Dianae sacer, quasi Dianium dictus Latini Nemorense dixerunt, unde et Nemorensis Rex Suetonio in Calig. c. 35.i. e. Sacerdos eius… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Artemisium, Battle of — ▪ ancient Greece       (480 BC), during the Greco Persian Wars, a Persian naval victory over the Greeks in an engagement fought near Artemisium, a promontory on the north coast of Euboea. The Greek fleet held its own against the Persians in three …   Universalium

  • Battle of Artemisium — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Battle of Artemisium partof=the Persian Wars result=unknowable caption= date=August 11 480 BC place=Artemisium, Euboea result=Persian victory. [ Encyclopaedia Britannica , Artemisium, Battle of ]… …   Wikipedia

  • Bataille d'Artemisium — Bataille de l Artémision Bataille de l Artémision Lieux de la bataille des Thermopyles et de l Artémi …   Wikipédia en Français

  • АРТЕМИСИОН —    • Artemisium,          Άρτεμίσιον,        1. мыс и прибрежная полоса северной Эвбеи с храмом Артемиды (Просфои); здесь греки впервые сразились на море с персами, приведенными Ксерксом (в 480 г. до Р. X.) Hdt. 8, 9 слл. Plut. Them. 8. Plin. 4,… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Battle of Salamis — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Battle of Salamis partof=the Persian Wars caption=Map of the battle battle name=Battle of Salamis date=September, 480 BC place=Off Salamis Island result=Decisive Greek victory. territory=Persia fails to conquer… …   Wikipedia

  • Greco–Persian Wars — For other Persian wars, see Roman Persian Wars, Arab Persian Wars, Persian Gulf Wars, and Military history of Iran. ] Some place the upper limit at 250,000 total land forces. Others place even these numbers as too high.The size of the Persian… …   Wikipedia

  • Themistocles — /theuh mis teuh kleez /, n. 527? 460? B.C., Athenian statesman. * * * born с 524 died с 460 BC Athenian politician and naval strategist. As archon (493) he built defensible harbours at Piraeus. In 483 he persuaded the assembly to increase the… …   Universalium

  • August 11 — Events*2492 BC Traditional date of the defeat of Bel by Hayk, progenitor and founder of the Armenian nation. *480 BC Greco Persian Wars: Battle of Artemisium the Persians achieve a naval victory over the Greeks in an engagement fought near… …   Wikipedia

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