- remeabilis
remeābilis, e [ remeo ]возвращающийся (скатывающийся) назад (saxum Sisyphi St; anima in corpora r. Tert)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Irremeable — Ir*re me*a*ble, a. [L. irremeabilis; pref. ir not + remeabilis returning, fr. remeare: cf. F. irr[ e]m[ e]able. See {Remeant}.] Admitting no return; as, an irremeable way. [Obs.] Dryden. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
irremeable — [i rem′ē ə bəl, irē′mēə bəl] adj. [L irremeabilis < in , not + remeabilis, returning < remeare, to go back < re , back + meare, to go < IE base * mei , to go, wander] Archaic from which there is no return … English World dictionary
ir|rem|e|a|ble — «ih REHM ee uh buhl, REE mee », adjective. Archaic. from, by, or through which there is no return: »My three brave brothers in one mournful day All trod the dark, irremeable way (Alexander Pope). ╂[< Latin irremeābilis < in not + remeābilis … Useful english dictionary