- rejectio
- rējectio, ōnis f. [ rejicio ]1) выбрасывание, извержениеr. sanguinis PM — кровохарканье2) непринятие, отклонение, отвержениеr. civitatis C — отказ от гражданства3) юр. отвод (judicum C)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Rejection — Re*jec tion (r? j?k sh?n), n. [L. rejectio: cf. F. r[ e]jection.] Act of rejecting, or state of being rejected. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Appellation — (v. lat. Appellatio, Berufung, Provocation), I. ein ordentliches suspensives u. devolutives Rechtsmittel zum Schutze dessen, welcher sich durch eine obrigkeitliche Entschließung (Bescheid, Resolution od. Handlung) in seinen Rechten für verletzt… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
rejection — /ri jek sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of rejecting. 2. the state of being rejected. 3. something that is rejected. [1545 55; < L rejection (s. of rejectio) a throwing back, equiv. to reject(us) (see REJECT) + ion ION] Syn. 1, 2. refusal,… … Universalium
Rejection — In transplantation biology, the refusal by the body to accept transplanted cells, tissues or organs. For example, a kidney transplanted may be rejected. * * * 1. The immunologic response to incompatibility in a transplanted organ. 2. A refusal to … Medical dictionary
prisonnier — Prisonnier, Custodia clausus, Captiuus. Enferrer les captifs et prisonniers, Catenas captiuis indere. Mener quelqu un prisonnier en son triomphe, Ducere aliquem in triumpho. Mener et charier les prisonniers à Rome, Captiuos Romam deportare.… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
recusation — Recusation, Praescriptio iudicis iniqui, B. Recusation de quelque juge, Recusatio iudicis et disceptatoris, Rejectio. Recusation de Conseillers, Reiectiones Conscriptorum, Budaeus. Un incident de recusation, Iudicium reiectaneum, Budaeus. Une… … Thresor de la langue françoyse