Смотреть что такое "Arretinus" в других словарях:
ARRETINUS Clemens — domui Vespasiani per affinitatem innexus, in locum Arrii Varii pulsi, a Muciano, praetorianis cohortibuspraepositus. Tacit. Hist. l. 4. c. 68. Fulv. Ursin. scribit Arricinus, ex antiqua Inscriptione, apud Aegium Spoletinum sibi visâ, sicque… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
aretinian — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|tinēən, tē adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Italian aretino of Guido d Arezzo died ab 1050 Italian monk and musician, literally, of Arezzo, city in Tuscany, Italy, where he lived (from Latin Arretinus, from Arretium… … Useful english dictionary
Carlo Marsuppini — (1399 1453), also known as Carlo Aretino and Carolus Arretinus, was a famous Renaissance humanist and chancellor of the Florentine Republic. Marsuppini was born in Arezzo but grew up and died in Florence. His father, Gregorio Marsuppini, had been … Wikipedia
Guido de Arezzo — Guido Aretinus Estatua de Vitus Arretinus (Guido d Arezzo) en su localidad natal … Wikipedia Español
Arretine ware — /ar euh tuyn , teen / a red glazed terracotta pottery produced in Tuscany from 100 B.C. to A.D. 100 and widely traded. Also called terra sigillata. [1775 85; < L Arretinus, deriv. of Arretium (modern Arezzo), a town in Tuscany where such pottery… … Universalium
arétin — (Pietro Aretino, dit l ) (1492 1556) auteur italien de poèmes satiriques, de comédies, de pamphlets et des Ragionamenti (1534), roman de moeurs licencieux et humoristique. ⇒ARÉTIN, INE, subst. masc. et adj. I. Subst. masc. A. Habitant d Arezzo. B … Encyclopédie Universelle
ARRICINUS — vide Arretinus … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
arretine — ˈarəˌtīn, ēn adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Latin Arretinus, from Arretium (now Arezzo), ancient city of Italy + Latin inus ine : of or relating to the ancient Arretium … Useful english dictionary
arretine ware — noun Usage: usually capitalized A : red terracotta ware usually decorated in relief made at Arretium and elsewhere in Italy from about 100 B.C. to about A.D. 100 called also Samian ware, terra sigillata * * * /ar euh tuyn , teen / a red glazed… … Useful english dictionary