- rancor
ōris m. [ ranceo ]1) протухлость, гниль PM2) перен. застарелая неприязнь, злопамятность Eccl
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Rancor — Ran cor (r[a^][ng] k[ e]r), n. [Written also {rancour}.] [OE. rancour, OF. rancor, rancur, F. rancune, fr. L. rancor rancidity, rankness; tropically, an old grudge, rancor, fr. rancere to be rank or rancid.] The deepest malignity or spite; deep… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rancor — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Rancor Personaje de Star Wars Archivo:RANCOR.jpg Información Raza Rancor Estatura entre 5 y 6 m Nacionalidad … Wikipedia Español
Rancor — (del lat. «rancor, ōris»; ant.) m. Rencor. * * * rancor. (Del lat. rancor, ōris). m. desus. Odio, rencor. * * * Enormes criaturas oriundas del planeta Dathomir, donde solo las Brujas de Dathomir podían domarlos y usarlos como bestias de monta.… … Enciclopedia Universal
rancor — [raŋ′kər] n. [ME rancour < OFr rancor < LL, rankness, in LL(Ec), rancor < L rancere, to be rank] a continuing and bitter hate or ill will; deep spite or malice: Brit. sp. Brit. rancour rancorous adj. rancorously adv … English World dictionary
rancor — (n.) early 13c., from O.Fr. rancor, from L. rancorem rancidness, grudge, bitterness, from L. rancere to stink (see RANCID (Cf. rancid)) … Etymology dictionary
rancor — (Del lat. rancor, ōris). m. desus. Odio, rencor … Diccionario de la lengua española
rancor — I noun acerbity, acrimony, animosity, antagonism, antipathy, aversion, bitter feelings, bitterness, enmity, grudge, harshness, hate, hatred, hostility, ill feeling, ill will, invidia, malevolence, malice, malignity, odium, resentment, revenge,… … Law dictionary
rancor — |ô| s. m. 1. Ódio secreto e profundo. 2. Grande aversão. • Plural: rancores … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
rancor — antagonism, animosity, animus, antipathy, *enmity, hostility Analogous words: hate, hatred, detestation, abhorrence, abomination (see under HATE vb): spite, *malice, malevolence, malignity, malignancy, spleen, grudge … New Dictionary of Synonyms
rancor — [n] bitterness, hatefulness acerbity, acrimony, animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, aversion, bad blood*, bile*, dudgeon, enmity, grudge, hardness of heart*, harshness, hate, hatred, hostility, ill feeling, ill will, malevolence, malice,… … New thesaurus
Rancor — Infobox StarWarsSpecies | name =Rancor sample homeworld = Felucia language = height = 5 10 meters skincolor = grey, dark green distinctions = weapon = jaws, claws races = rancor, siebonal famousmembers = The rancor is a 5 meter (16.4 foot) tall… … Wikipedia