Quum diuturnum — ist eine Enzyklika von Papst Leo XIII., sie datiert vom 25. Dezember 1898 und ist eine Einladung an alle Bischöfe der lateinamerikanischen Länder, in Rom eine Bischofskonferenz abzuhalten. Er folgt damit der Bitte der lateinamerikanischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
quum — When; whenever; as often as. See cum … Ballentine's law dictionary
quum de lucre duorum quaeratur, melior est causa possidentis — /kam diy l(y)uwkrow d(y)uworam kwareytar, miyl(i)yar est koza pasidiyentas/ When the Q.V. question is as to the gain of two persons, the titte of the party in possession is the better one … Black's law dictionary
quum in testamento ambigue aut etiam perperam scriptum est, benlgne interpretari et secundum id quod credible et cogitatum, credendum est — /kam in testamentow aembigyuwiy 6t esh(iy)am parparam skriptam est, banigniy intarprateray et sakandam id kwod kradibaliy et kojateytam, kradendam est/ When in a will an ambiguous or even an erroneous expression occurs, it should be construed… … Black's law dictionary
quum principalis causa non consistit ne ea quidem qua sequuntur locum habent — /kam prinsapeylas koza non kansistat niy iya kwaydam kwiy sakwantar lowkam heybant/ When the principal does not hold, the incidents thereof ought not to obtain … Black's law dictionary
quum quod ago non valet ut ago, valeat quantum valere potest — /kam kwod eygow non vaslat at eygow, vaeliyat kwontam valiriy powtast/ When what I do is of no force as to the purpose for which I do it, let it be of force to as great a degree as it can … Black's law dictionary
Quum de lucro duorum quacratur, melior est conditio possidentis — (Civil law.) Whenever the advantage of one of two persons is sought, the position of the one in possession is the better … Ballentine's law dictionary
Quum duo inter se repugnantia reperiuntur in testamento, ultimum ratum est — When two repugnant matters are found in a will, the latter one is confirmed. Jackson, ex dem. Livingston v Robins (NY) 16 Johns 537, 547 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Quum in testamento ambigue aut etiam perperam scriptum est, benigne interpretari et secundum id quod credibile est cogitatum credendum est — Where an ambiguous or even an erroneous expression occurs in a will, it should be construed liberally, and in accordance with the testator s probable meaning. See Broom s Legal Maxims 568 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Quum principalis causa non consistit ne ea quidem quae sequuntur locum habent — When the principal cause does not stand, neither do those which follow it have a place. Broom s Legal Maxims 496 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Quum quod ago non valet ut ago, valeat quantum valere potest — Whenever what I do is not valid as I do it, it may nevertheless have as much validity as it can have … Ballentine's law dictionary