Aristonicus — (Latin; el. Ἀριστόνικος Aristonikos ) is the name of several historical figures in the ancient world.* Aristonicus of Pergamon, who as king became Eumenes III * Aristonicus of Alexandria, a grammarian and Homeric scholar * Aristonicus of… … Wikipedia
ARISTONICUS — I. ARISTONICUS Citharoedus Olynthius, in arte sua celebris. Vide Polyaen. l. 5. II. ARISTONICUS Eumenis Regis fil. Asiam invasit, et Pergamense Regnum a Romanis Attalo donatum, vi retinere conatus, Cons. Licinium Crassum, vicit, sed annô post a… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Aristonicus, S. (1) — 1S. Aristonicus, (19. April). Griech. Αριστόνικος = der beste Sieger etc. – Der hl. Aristonikus war ein Martyrer zu Melitine in Armenien, der am nämlichen Tage auch im Mart. Rom. vorkommt. S. S. Hermogenes … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Aristonicus, S. (2) — 2S. Aristonicus, (19. April), gleichfalls ein Martyrer zu Melitine in Armenien. S. S. Hermogenes … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Aristonicus of Alexandria — Aristonicus (Latin; Greek polytonic|Ἀριστόνικος Aristonikos ) of Alexandria was a distinguished Greek grammarian who lived during the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius, contemporary with Strabo.Strabo 1.38.] He taught at Rome, and wrote… … Wikipedia
Aristonicus of Methymnae — Aristonicus (Latin; Greek polytonic|Ἀριστόνικος Aristonikos ) was a tyrant of Methymnae in Lesbos in the 4th century BCE. In 332 BCE, when the navarchs of Alexander the Great had already taken possession of the harbour of Chios, Aristonicus… … Wikipedia
Aristonicus (eunuch) — Aristonicus (Latin; Greek polytonic|Ἀριστόνικος Aristonikos ) was a eunuch of Ptolemy Epiphanes. He was brought up with the king from his early youth. Polybius speaks of him in terms of high praise, as a man of a generous and warlike disposition … Wikipedia
Aristonicus of Tarentum — Aristonicus (Latin; Greek polytonic|Ἀριστόνικος Aristonikos ) of Tarentum was the author of a work on Greek mythology which ancient sources often refer to. [Photius cod. 190; Servius ad Aeneidam 3.335; Caes. Germ. in Arati Phaenomena 327; Hyginus … Wikipedia
АРИСТОНИК — • Aristonīcus, Άριστόνικος, 1. марафонец, оратор и государственный человек, современник Демосфена, вместе с Гиперидом (см. Hyperides, Гиперид), по приказанию Антипатра, был казнен в 322 г. до Р. X.; 2. жестокий тиран… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Publius Licinius Crassus Dives Mucianus — (born c. 180 BC, died 130 BC) [ Crassus Dives Mucianus, Publius Licinius. (2007). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved August 27, 2007, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online: 9026775 ] was the son by blood of… … Wikipedia
Marcus Perperna — Marcus Perperna, Roman consul in 130 BC, is said to have been a consul before he was a citizen; for Valerius Maximus relates[1], that the father of this Perperna was condemned under the lex Papia after the death of his son, because he had falsely … Wikipedia