
quā-rē [ qui + res ]
1) чем, каким образом, как (q. nisi vi? C)
2) почему, вследствие чего
nec quid nec q. Pt — неизвестно как и почему
3) а потому, поэтому C, Sl

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "quare" в других словарях:

  • quare — (Latin: Wherefore; for what reason; on what account.) The introductory term used in the Latin form of a number of common law writs at the beginning of the statement of the reason for the dispute. Dictionary from West s Encyclopedia of American… …   Law dictionary

  • Quare — Daniel Quare (* 1648 in Somersetshire; † 1724) war ein englischer Uhrmacher aus London. Leben 1671 trat Quare der Londoner Worshipful Company of Clockmakers ein und wurde 1708 zum „Master“ gewählt. Neben Uhren hat Daniel Quare zahlreiche… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Quare — Recorded as Quare, Quarrie and Quarry, there are three possible origins for this interesting surname. The first is Manx, from the Isle of Man, and a development of the Gaelic MacGuaire, an Old Gaelic personal name Gaurio , which is akin to the… …   Surnames reference

  • quare — quà·re avv., s.m.inv., lat. OB 1. avv., perché, per quale motivo: e come e quare, voglio che m intenda (Dante) 2. s.m.inv., motivo, ragione {{line}} {{/line}} ETIMO: lat. quare perciò …   Dizionario italiano

  • quare — I Everyday English Slang in Ireland n contrary to popular belief this does not mean queer or strange but great! it s irish irony II Mawdesley Glossary queer. III Mid Ulster English very, considerable (eg. A quare distance ) Used throughout… …   English dialects glossary

  • Quare — Stelle dir eine Quare, si non vis errare. – Eiselein, 517; Simrock, 8036 …   Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon

  • Quare impedit — Quare impedit, in English law, a form of action by which the right of presentation to a benefice is tried.It is so called from the words of the writ formerly in use, which directed the sheriff to command the person disturbing the possession to… …   Wikipedia

  • quare clausum fregit — Latin An early form of trespass onto someone else s land, whether or not that land actually had a physical fence around it. The plaintiff would argue that because the defendant had broken the boundary with force and arms, the former was due… …   Law dictionary

  • Quare, Daniel — ▪ English clockmaker and inventor born c. 1648, Somersetshire?, Eng. died March 21, 1724, [1723, Old Style], Croydon, Surrey       celebrated English clock maker, who invented a repeating watch mechanism (1680) that sounded the nearest hour and… …   Universalium

  • quare clausum fregit — /kweriy klozam friyjat/ Lat. Wherefore he broke the close. That species of the action of trespass which has for its object the recovery of damages for an unlawful entry upon another s land is termed trespass quare clausum fregit; breaking a close …   Black's law dictionary

  • quare clausum firegit — Because he broke the close. See trespass quare clausum …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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