- Aristippus
ī m.Аристипп, философ из Кирены, основатель киренской школы (гедонизма) (ок. 434— 360 гг. до н. э.) C
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Aristippus — ( el. Ἀρίστιππος) of Cyrene, (c. 435 c. 356 BCE), was the founder of the Cyrenaic school of Philosophy. [Although the systemization of the Cyrenaic philosophy is generally placed with his grandson Aristippus the Younger.] He was a pupil of… … Wikipedia
Aristippus — Aristippus, aus Kyrene, Schüler des Sokrates, Stifter der Kyrenischen Philosophenschule, um 380 v. Chr., legte in den durch Weisheit beherrschten und durch Bildung veredelten Genuß das höchste Gut … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Aristippus — aus Cyrene, Stifter der cyrenäischen Schule, war Schüler des Sokrates, ohne indessen von seinem Meister außer der Uebung in der geistigen Gymnastik viel anzunehmen; nach A. ist ein veredeltes Genußleben, wie es durch erhöhte Bildung möglich wird … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Aristippus — [ar΄is tip′əs] 435? 365? B.C.; Gr. philosopher: founder of the Cyrenaic school … English World dictionary
ARISTIPPUS — I. ARISTIPPUS Cyrenaeus, Senior dictus, Socratis auditor; cum Epicuro de voluptate sensit. Primus quaestu philosophatus est, et cum Xenophonte simultatem habuit, et a Diogene Canis Regius appellatus est, quod Dioysio, ac aliis divitibus ventris… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Aristippus — /ar euh stip euhs/, n. 435? 356? B.C., Greek philosopher: founder of the Cyrenaic school of philosophy. * * * ▪ Greek philosopher born c. 435 BC, , Cyrene, Libya died 366, Athens philosopher who was one of Socrates disciples and the founder … Universalium
Aristippus the Younger — Aristippus the Younger, of Cyrene, was the grandson of Aristippus of Cyrene, and is widely believed to have formalized the principles of Cyrenaic philosophy.He lived in the second half of the 4th century BC. His mother was Arete, daughter of the… … Wikipedia
Aristippus (disambiguation) — Aristippus may refer to one of the following:*Aristippus, (lived c. 400 BC), founder of the Cyrenaic school of philosophy. *Aristippus the Younger, (lived c. 325 BC), grandson of Aristippus, and also a Cyrenaic philosopher. *Aristippus of Argos,… … Wikipedia
Aristippus of Cyrene — (c. 435–350 BC) A companion of Socrates, whose grandson via his daughter Arete was one of the founders of the Cyrenaic school. Diogenes Laertius leaves a memorable portrait of Aristippus as a wealthy, discriminating, and extravagant hedonist. The … Philosophy dictionary
Aristippus — biographical name circa 435 366 B.C. Greek philosopher … New Collegiate Dictionary
Aristippus — Ar•is•tip•pus [[t]ˌær əˈstɪp əs[/t]] n. pho 435?–356? b.c., Greek philosopher: founder of the Cyrenaic school of philosophy … From formal English to slang