
quadrīmus, a, um [ quattuor + hiems ]
четырёхлетний (infans L; merum H)
dies quadrima Dig — четырёхлетний срок

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "quadrimus" в других словарях:

  • Quadri — Recorded in a number of spellings including Quadara, Quadri, Quadrio, Quadrella, and possibly the Spanish Quadrillero, this is a surname of Italian origins. Italian surnames are the most difficult of all European surnames to research with… …   Surnames reference

  • Quadrio — Recorded in a number of spellings including Quadara, Quadri, Quadrio, Quadrella, and possibly the Spanish Quadrillero, this is a surname of Italian origins. Italian surnames are the most difficult of all European surnames to research with… …   Surnames reference

  • CHRISTOPHORUS — I. CHRISTOPHORUS Dux Wirtenbergicus, filius e Salina Bavarita Ulrici lineae Ducalis primae auctoris, cum sorore Anna quadrimus a foederis Suevici socii, in arce Tubingensi, obsessus; dein ab avunculo Guilielmo Bavariae Duce educatus, tum A. C.… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • an — An, Annus. Un an, deux ans, trois ans, Vnum, alterum, tertium annum, B. ex Cic. L espace d un an, Annua dies. Annale tempus. Au commencement de l an, Initio statim anni, Principio anni. En la fin de l an, Anni extremo, Anni exitu, Anni fine, Sub… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • ĝhei-2 : ĝhi- —     ĝhei 2 : ĝhi     English meaning: winter; snow     Deutsche Übersetzung: “Winter, Schnee”     Note: after Specht Decl. 14, 330 f. older men stem, with already IE change of mn to m.     Material: A. ĝhei men , *ĝheimn : The r extension is… …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

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