
quā-cum-que (quācunque) adv.
1) (sc. parte) где бы ни, куда бы ни, всюду где (q. iter fecit C, Nep)
2) каким бы образом ни, всячески V, Prp

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "quacumque" в других словарях:

  • parte quacumque integrante sublata, tollitur totum — /partly kwakamkwiy intagraentiy sableyta tolatar towtam/ An integral part being taken away, the whole is taken away …   Black's law dictionary

  • Parte quacumque integrante sublata tollitur totum — An integral part having been taken away, the whole disappears …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • RYSVICUM i. e. RYSWYK — RYSVICUM, i. e. RYSWYK pagus celebris, et peramoenus Hollandiae, suburbanus Hagae Comitum, Potentissimi, Augustissimi, Felicissini, Serenissimi VILHELMI III. Magnae Britanniae Regis, Castro sumptuosissimo, magnificentissimo nobilitatus; in cuius… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Dukedom of San Donato — Duke or Duchess San Donato (It:Duca o Duchessa di San Donato) is a noble title, created in 1602 by the Spanish King Philip III for the Sanseverino dynasty [Granted to Don Scipione junior Sanseverino, of the ancient Barons of Calvera, by Philip… …   Wikipedia

  • MELES — I. MELES Pisiae fil. tibicen ineptus acnihili, traductus a Pherecrate εν Αῤγοῖς. Vide Scholia. in Aves. Aristoph. II. MELES Rex Lydorum circa Olympiad. 13. Dynastiae II. quae Heraclidarum fuit XXI. sue penultimus, succesit Alyatti, quô tempore ad …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • SALAMANDRA — stellioni similis, aut species eius, Hebr. letaa, si Syro Interpreti credimus, et qui hunc seqnuntur Pagnino, Ariae, Iunio, Castalioni. Sed Bochartus hôc nomine significari lacertae eam speciem, quam Arabes wachra vel wachara vocant, docte probat …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Architrenius — is a medieval allegorical and satirical poem in hexameters by Johannes de Hauvilla (also known as Johannes de Altavilla or Jean de Hauteville). The poet was born in about 1150 (perhaps at or near Rouen) and died after 1200, [Catholic… …   Wikipedia

  • Mike McFerron — is an American composer,[1] currently serving as professor of music and composer in residence at Lewis University.[2] McFerron is the recipient of several awards and residencies including: first prize in the Louisville Orchestra Composition… …   Wikipedia

  • Marian litany — Madonna by Filippo Lippi, an example of Marian art A Marian litany, in Christian worship, is a form of prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary used in church services and processions, and consisting of a number of petitions. In the Eastern Church… …   Wikipedia

  • Blessing (Roman Catholic Church) — In its widest acceptation Blessing has a variety of meanings in the sacred writings: * It has taken in a sense that is synonymous with praise; thus the Psalmist, I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall be always in my mouth (Ps.… …   Wikipedia

  • Heirat im Römischen Reich — Ehe und Familie galten im antiken Rom als heilig. Nicht umsonst war Concordia einerseits die Schutzgöttin des gesamten Staatswesens und gleichzeitig Beschützerin der Ehe (matrimonium). Die Ehe galt im antiken Rom als Stütze der Gesellschaft, vor… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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