Copernican system — Pythagorean Pyth a*go re*an, a. [L. Pythagoreus, Gr. ?.] Of or pertaining to Pythagoras (a Greek philosopher, born about 582 b. c.), or his philosophy. [1913 Webster] The central thought of the Pythagorean philosophy is the idea of number, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pythagorean — Pyth a*go re*an, a. [L. Pythagoreus, Gr. ?.] Of or pertaining to Pythagoras (a Greek philosopher, born about 582 b. c.), or his philosophy. [1913 Webster] The central thought of the Pythagorean philosophy is the idea of number, the recognition of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pythagorean letter — Pythagorean Pyth a*go re*an, a. [L. Pythagoreus, Gr. ?.] Of or pertaining to Pythagoras (a Greek philosopher, born about 582 b. c.), or his philosophy. [1913 Webster] The central thought of the Pythagorean philosophy is the idea of number, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pythagorean proposition — Pythagorean Pyth a*go re*an, a. [L. Pythagoreus, Gr. ?.] Of or pertaining to Pythagoras (a Greek philosopher, born about 582 b. c.), or his philosophy. [1913 Webster] The central thought of the Pythagorean philosophy is the idea of number, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pythagorean system — Pythagorean Pyth a*go re*an, a. [L. Pythagoreus, Gr. ?.] Of or pertaining to Pythagoras (a Greek philosopher, born about 582 b. c.), or his philosophy. [1913 Webster] The central thought of the Pythagorean philosophy is the idea of number, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Johann Engelhard Steuber — (* 16. März 1693 in Marburg; † 6. Dezember 1747 in Rinteln) war ein deutscher lutherischer Theologe. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Familie 3 Werke … Deutsch Wikipedia
DECINEUS — inter celebres olim divinatores ac vates, memoratur Strab. Geogr. l. 16. p. 762. ubi ait Talis fuit Amphiaraus apud Getas olim Zamolxis Pythagoreus, aetate nostrâ Deceneus, qui Byrebistae vaticinatur, et apud Bosporanos Achaicarus, apud Indos… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
EVEPHENUS — Philosophus Pythagoreus, quod Metapontios a foedere, et societate alienos reddidisset, a Dionysio maiore in potestatem redactus, et morte damnatus est. Ille nihil tunc perterritus, ad Dionysium; Decretis, inquit, pareo; verum quia sororem adhuc… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
pitagoreic — PITAGORÉIC, Ă, pitagoreici, ce, adj., s.m. 1. adj. Care aparţine curentului filozofic idealist şi şcolii de matematică din Grecia antică întemeiate de Pitagora, privitor la Pitagora, la şcoala sau la doctrina lui filozofică; pitagoric. 2. s.m.… … Dicționar Român
pitagoreo — /pitago rɛo/ agg. [dal lat. Pythagorēus, gr. Pythagóreios ], non com. (filos.) [di Pitagora, conforme alla dottrina di Pitagora, cioè al pitagorismo: filosofia, scuola p. ] ▶◀ pitagorico … Enciclopedia Italiana
Pythagoreer — Py|tha|go|re|er, österr. Pythagoräer der; s, <über lat. Pythagoreus aus gleichbed. gr. Pythagóreios> Anhänger der Lehre des Pythagoras … Das große Fremdwörterbuch