- pyrrhicha
ae и pyrrhichē, ēs f. (греч.)пирриха, военная пляска лакедемонян (в вооружении) PM, Su, Spart etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
PYRRHIQUE — Dans la métrique grecque ancienne, c’est le nom du pied formé de deux brèves; c’est donc un rythme à deux temps: Il est synonyme de pariambe. L’iambe, le trochée (ou chorée) et le spondée: bien qu’ayant deux valeurs métriques sont rythmiquement… … Encyclopédie Universelle
SALTATIO — quanti fuerit a Veterib. aestimata, argumento multa sunt: id vero inprimis, quod ceremoniae nullae aut spectacula antiquiora fuêre, quibus Saltatio non adhiberetur. Est autem haec facultas quaedam, motibus ac gestibus corporis, certô artificiô,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
pyrrhic — pyrrhic1 /pir ik/, Pros. adj. 1. consisting of two short or unaccented syllables. 2. composed of or pertaining to pyrrhics. n. 3. Also called dibrach. a pyrrhic foot. [1620 30; < L pyrrhichius < Gk pyrrhíchios pertaining to the pyrrhíche… … Universalium
Рим — древний первонач. община в Др. Италии, затем рабовлад. гор. госуд. (полис), подчинивший себе весь Аппенинский п ов; впослед. рабовлад. средиземноморская держава, включ. значит. часть Европы, побережье Сев. Африки, Египет, М. Азию, Сирию … Древний мир. Энциклопедический словарь
pyrrhic — (2) dance in armor (1590s), also a type of metrical foot (1620s), from L. pyrrhicha, from Gk. pyrrikhe orkhesis, the war dance of ancient Greece, traditionally named for its inventor, Pyrrikhos. The name means reddish, from pyrros flame colored,… … Etymology dictionary
pyrrhic — I. /ˈpɪrɪk/ (say pirik) adjective 1. of a metrical foot consisting of two short or unaccented syllables. 2. composed of or relating to pyrrhics. –noun 3. a pyrrhic foot. {Latin pyrrhichius, from Greek pyrrhichios relating to the pyrrhichē… …
danse — Danse, Saltatio, Saltatus, huius saltatus, Staticulus, Chorea. Danse quand on frappe la terre des pieds, Tripudium. Un tour de danse, Gyrus saltatorius. Une sorte de danse et de morisque que Pyrrhus inventa, Pyrrhicha, pyrrhichae, vel Pyrriche,… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
pyrrhic — pyrrhic1 [pir′ik] n. [L pyrrhicha < Gr pyrrhichē, war dance] a war dance of the ancient Greeks pyrrhic2 [pir′ik] n. [L pyrrhichius < Gr pyrrhichios (pous), pyrrhic (foot)] a metrical foot of two short or unaccented syllables adj. of or made … English World dictionary