- psaltes
psaltēs, ae m. (греч.)играющий на струнном инструменте (преим. на кифаре) Q, Sid
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Psaltes — (gr.), 1) der Spieler eines Saiteninstruments; 2) (Psaltinx), Saiteninstrument bei den Russen, welches die Gestalt eines Hackebreis hat, aber wie eine Harfe gespielt wird … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
PSALTES — Graece Ψάλτης, quis dicatur in Ecclesia Graeca. Vide supra Psalmista. His qui praeerat, Protopsaltes dictus est, de qua voce itidem retro actum … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Rana psaltes — Rana psaltes … Wikipédia en Français
Kampira Falls Frog — Rana okinavana redirects here. That taxon was erroneously thought to refer to the Ryūkyū Brown Frog until recently. Kampira Falls Frog Conservation status Endangered (IUCN 3.1) … Wikipedia
Nenano — Phthora Nenano (gr. φθορά νενανῶ, also νενανὼ) is the name of one of the two extra modes in the Byzantine Octoechos an eight mode system, which was created by a reform of the Monastery Agios Sabas, near Jerusalem, during the seventh century.… … Wikipedia
Ryukyu Brown Frog — Ryūkyū Brown Frog Conservation status Endangered (IUCN 3.1) Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Babina okinavana — Babina okinavana … Wikipédia en Français
Jeremias Drexel — Portrait of Jeremias Drexel S.J. Jeremias Drexel S.J. (also known as Hieremias Drexelius or Drechsel) (August 15, 1581–19 April 1638) was a Jesuit writer of devotional literature and a professor of the humanities and rhetoric. He served for 23… … Wikipedia
Octoechos — This article is about the Byzantine musical system of eight modes. For the book of liturgical texts set to those modes, see Octoechos (liturgy). Oktōēchos (here transcribed Octoechos ; Greek: Ὀκτώηχος, from ὀκτώ eight + ἦχος sound, mode called… … Wikipedia
Rana (genus) — NOTOC Taxobox name = Rana regnum = Animalia image width = 240px image caption = Northern Red legged Frog ( Rana aurora ) phylum = Chordata subphylum = Vertebrata classis = Amphibia subclassis = Lissamphibia ordo = Anura subordo = Neobatrachia… … Wikipedia
List of endangered animal species — This is a list of endangered animal species according to the World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List. The list includes endangered species of the kingdom Animalia. NOTOC A* Acheilognathus elongatus * Acipenser Endangered * Acrocephalus… … Wikipedia