- protractio
- prōtractio, ōnis f. [ protraho ]1) продление (черты) Macr2) отсрочка Eccl, CJ
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
protraction — ● protraction nom féminin (bas latin protractio, du latin classique protrahere, tirer en avant) Projection des lèvres vers l avant dans l articulation d une voyelle. ⇒PROTRACTION, subst. fém. A. PHYSIOL. Extension en avant d (un) organe.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Protraction — Pro*trac tion, n. [L. protractio.] 1. A drawing out, or continuing; the act of delaying the termination of a thing; prolongation; continuance; delay; as, the protraction of a debate. [1913 Webster] A protraction only of what is worst in life.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
protraction — noun Etymology: Late Latin protraction , protractio act of drawing out, from protrahere Date: 1535 1. the act of protracting ; the state of being protracted 2. the drawing to scale of an area of land … New Collegiate Dictionary
protraction — /proh trak sheuhn, preuh /, n. 1. the act of protracting; prolongation; extension. 2. protrusion. 3. something that is protracted. 4. a drawing or rendering to scale. [1525 35; < LL protraction (s. of protractio) prolongation. See PROTRACT, ION]… … Universalium
Protraktion — Pro|trak|ti|on, die; , en [lat. protractio = (Aus)dehnung] (Med.): absichtliche Verzögerung der Wirkung eines Arzneimittels od. einer therapeutischen Maßnahme … Universal-Lexikon
portraire — (por trê r ) v. a. Il se conjugue comme traire. Terme qui a vieilli. Faire la représentation, tirer la ressemblance, à l aide de quelqu un des arts du dessin. • Le bon Hercule de Fleuri, Petit prêtre nonagénaire, En Hercule s est fait portraire … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
protrazione — /protra tsjone/ s.f. [dal lat. tardo protractio onis ], non com. 1. [il prolungarsi nel tempo: p. delle trattative ] ▶◀ continuazione, prolungamento. ◀▶ abbreviamento, accorciamento, riduzione. 2. [spostamento in avanti di un termine di tempo… … Enciclopedia Italiana
Protraktion — Pro|trak|ti|on die; , en <aus lat. protractio, eigtl. »Ausdehnung; Verlängerung«> absichtliche Verzögerung der Wirkung eines Arzneimittels od. einer therapeutischen Maßnahme … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
ՅԱՊԱՂՈՒՄՆ — (ղման.) NBH 2 0330 Chronological Sequence: Early classical, 5c, 6c, 11c, 14c գ. παρέλκυσις, ἁναβολή protractio, dilatio, mora. որ եւ ՅԱՊԱՂԱՆՔ. Յապաղելն. դանդաղումն. յերկարաձգութիւն. յամուրդ. անագանումն. *Մի՛ կարծեսցէ, թէ գուցէ յապաղումըն հինից… … հայերեն բառարան (Armenian dictionary)
delayement — Delayement, Sustentatio, Dilatio, Extractio, Protractio. Delayement, Maceratio … Thresor de la langue françoyse
prolongation — Prolongation, ou Prolongement, Prolongatio, Prolatio, Productio, Protractio, Propagatio, Pertractio, Prorogatio … Thresor de la langue françoyse