- prophetis
prophētis, idis и prophētissa, ae f.пророчица Vlg, Eccl
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
VIDENS — Hebr. Gap desc: Hebrew nomen, quô Prophetae antiquitus indigitati. Namqui Propheta hodie, antiquitus vocabatur Videns, 1. Samuel. c. 9. v. 9. Sic, indica mihi, ubi sit domus Videntis, Ibid. v. 18. Et Ieduthun Videns Regis, appellatur 2. Chron. c … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
PORPHETAE — dicti in V. T. ministri Dei, extra ordinem, excitata, ut populum docerent, vitia eius, idololatriam imprimis carperent, miraculis et futurorum praedictione doctrinam sacram confirmarent, at que erigerent sideles, promissionibus de Messia futuro… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Guibert de Nogent — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Nogent. Guibert de Nogent (vers 1055 † vers 1125) est né un samedi saint, veille de Pâques, près du village de Catenoy dans le Beauvaisis. Les historiens contemporains peinent à fixer l année de naissance de… … Wikipédia en Français
KABBALA — Hebraeis dicta est lex non scripta, sed per traditionem πατροπαράδοτον ad posteros propagata; a voce Kibbel, i. e. accipere. Sentiunt enim, Verbum Dei s. Legem, iam ab ipsis Mosis temporibus duplicem esse, unam scripto traditam, quam vocant Thora … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
SCRIPTURA Sacra — est verbum Dei, a Scriptoribus θεοπνεύςτοις, literis divinô iuslu exaratum, ad Ecclesiae institutionem. Horum primus et quasi coeterorum Exarchus post Deum, qui ipse, propriis digitis Legem duabus tabulis exarando, initum scribendi fecit, Moses… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
VOX — contracte ex voco, φθόγγος σημαντικὸς Philosopho, sonus significativus, in brutis affectus, in homine anuni sensa, exprimit. Non enim, nisi per prosopopoeiam, ne rei, crimine admissô, posse latere se putent, etiam ipsis aedibus, in quibus id… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Григорий (Георгий Петрович Постников) — богослов (1784 1860). Сын диакона московской епархии, магистр Петербургской духовной академии, где проходил должности профессора богословских наук, инспектора и ректора. Управлял епархиями калужской, рязанской, тверской, петербургской и с 1756… … Биографический словарь
Beware — Be*ware , v. i. [Be, imperative of verb to be + ware. See {Ware}, {Wary}.] 1. To be on one s guard; to be cautious; to take care; commonly followed by of or lest before the thing that is to be avoided. [1913 Webster] Beware of all, but most… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lauds — is one of the two major hours in the Roman Catholic Liturgy of the Hours. It is to be recited in the early morning hours, preferably near dawn. It forms a part of the Eastern Orthodox Office of Matins. The service is named after the Lauds psalms … Wikipedia
Mount Lyceum — Lyceum is a mountain of Arcadia at the frontier of three nomes: Arcadia, Mykines and Elis Province. Its top is Prophetis Ilias (Greek for Prophet Elijah), ancient creta 1421 meters height. The name Lyceum is from the root Luc (λυκ) which means… … Wikipedia
Rhythmical office — In the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church, rhythmical office is a section of or a whole religious service, in which not only the hymns are regulated by a certain rhythm, but where, with the exception of the psalms and lessons, practically all… … Wikipedia