- proh
prōh interj. = pro II
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
proh — kou·proh; … English syllables
Proh dolor — (lat.), leider … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
PROH — propyl 4 hydrolase … Medical dictionary
prôh — प्रोह् … Indonesian dictionary
PROH — • propyl 4 hydrolase … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
Prohæ fruges ipsæ suapte natura enitent. — См. Хороший товар сам себя хвалит … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
anu-prôh — अनुप्रोह् … Indonesian dictionary
prolamin — /proh lam in, proh leuh min/, n. Biochem. any of the class of simple proteins, as gliadin, hordein, or zein, found in grains, soluble in dilute acids, alkalis, and alcohols, and insoluble in water, neutral salt solutions, and absolute alcohol.… … Universalium
proagon — /proh ag ohn, on, proh ah gohn /, n., pl. proagones /proh euh goh neez/. Greek. (in ancient Greek comedy) a disputatious exchange, sometimes of a slapstick nature, between the chorus and the characters, or among the characters themselves, usually … Universalium
proagon — /proh ag ohn, on, proh ah gohn /, n., pl. proagones /proh euh goh neez/. Greek. (in ancient Greek comedy) a disputatious exchange, sometimes of a slapstick nature, between the chorus and the characters, or among the characters themselves, usually … Useful english dictionary
proboscidean — /proh beuh sid ee euhn, bo , proh bos i dee euhn/, adj. 1. pertaining to or resembling a proboscis. 2. having a proboscis. 3. belonging or pertaining to the mammals of the order Proboscidea, characterized by a flexible trunk formed of the… … Universalium