- procuratorius
prōcūrātōrius, a, umпрокураторский (nomen Dig)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
procuratoire — ● procuratoire adjectif (bas latin procuratorius) Relatif à une procuration. procuratoire [pʀɔkyʀatwaʀ] adj. ÉTYM. XIVe; bas lat. procuratorius, de procurator. ❖ ♦ Dr … Encyclopédie Universelle
Procuratory — Pro*cu ra*to*ry, a. [L. procuratorius.] Tending to, or authorizing, procuration. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
procuratorial — |präkyərə|tōrēəl adjective Etymology: Late Latin procuratorius procuratorial (from Latin procurator) + English al 1. : of or relating to a procurator 2. : proctorial … Useful english dictionary
procuratory — rəˌtōrē noun ( es) Etymology: Late Latin procuratorius 1. civil law : authorization of one individual to act for another 2. : power of attorney … Useful english dictionary