- precarium
precārium, ī n.данное во временное пользование (p. est, quod precibus petenti utendum conceditur Dtg)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Precarĭum — (lat.), die Überlassung der Ausübung des Eigenthums od. irgend eines andern Rechtes auf beliebigen Widerruf. Das P. erfordert ausdrückliche od. stillschweigende Gestattung von der einen u. ausdrückliche od. stillschweigende Annahme der Erlaubniß… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Precarium — Precarium, lat., bittweise, widerruflich, unentgeltlich gewährte Benutzung einer Sache oder eines Rechtes; precario modo, bittweise. Precareihandel, der von einem neutralen Volke mit den kriegführenden Mächten betriebene Handel. Prekär, erbeten;… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Precarium — 1 [precatio]. Additional services or *boon work required by a lord over and above those which formed a part of tenure. These were ad precem = at the request (of the lord). [< Lat. prex = a request, a prayer] 2) A loan received as a benefit by… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
precarium — pre·car·i·um … English syllables
precarium — /prakeriysm/ In the civil law, a convention whereby one allows another the use of a thing or the exercise of a right gratuitously until revocation. The bailee acquires thereby the lawful possession of the thing, except in certain cases. The… … Black's law dictionary
precarium — (Civil law.) A convention whereby one person allowed another the use of a thing or the exercise of a right gratuitously till revocation. See Mackeldey s Roman Law § 447 … Ballentine's law dictionary
precarium — … Useful english dictionary
jus precarium — /jas prakeriyam/ In the civil law, a right to a thing held for another, for which there was no remedy by legal action, but only by entreaty or request. 2 Bl.Comm. 328 … Black's law dictionary
jus precarium — /jas prakeriyam/ In the civil law, a right to a thing held for another, for which there was no remedy by legal action, but only by entreaty or request. 2 Bl.Comm. 328 … Black's law dictionary
jus precarium — (Roman law.) A right obtained by begging or asking for it; that is, a right in courtesy, for which the remedy was only by entreaty or request. See 2 Bl Comm 328 … Ballentine's law dictionary
PRECAR — precarium … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions