Смотреть что такое "praeterita" в других словарях:
Praeterita mutare non possumus. — См. Что о том тужить, чего нельзя воротить … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
Utricularia praeterita — Taxobox status = status ref = regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Magnoliopsida ordo = Lamiales familia = Lentibulariaceae genus = Utricularia subgenus = Bivalvaria sectio = Oligocista species = U. praeterita binomial = Utricularia … Wikipedia
Lex ad praeterita trahi nequit. — Lex ad praeterita trahi nequit. (Jur.)… См. Закон назад не действует … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
Castilleja praeterita — ID 16095 Symbol Key CAPR11 Common Name Salmon Creek Indian paintbrush Family Scrophulariaceae Category Dicot Division Magnoliophyta US Nativity Native to U.S. US/NA Plant Yes State Distribution CA Growth Habit Forb/herb … USDA Plant Characteristics
Castilleja praeterita Heckard & Bacig. — Symbol CAPR11 Common Name Salmon Creek Indian paintbrush Botanical Family Scrophulariaceae … Scientific plant list
nemo prudens punit ut praeterita revocentur, sed ut futura praeveniantur — /niymow pruwdenz pyuwnat at pratehrata riyvasentar, sed at f(y)atyura praviyniyaentar/ No wise man punishes in order that past things may be recalled, but that future wrongs may be prevented … Black's law dictionary
nemo prudens punit ut praeterita revocentur, sed ut futura praeveniantur — /niymow pruwdenz pyuwnat at pratehrata riyvasentar, sed at f(y)atyura praviyniyaentar/ No wise man punishes in order that past things may be recalled, but that future wrongs may be prevented … Black's law dictionary
proviso est providere praesentia et futura, non praeterita — /pravayzow est provadiriy prazensh(iy)a et f(y)atyura, non pratehrata/ A proviso is to provide for the present or future, not the past … Black's law dictionary
Nemo prudens punit ut praeterita revocentur, sed ut futura praeveniantur — No prudent person punishes in order that past transactions may be revoked, but he does so in order that future acts may be prevented … Ballentine's law dictionary
Proviso est providere praesentia et futura, non praeterita — A proviso is to provide for the present and the future, but not for the past … Ballentine's law dictionary
John Ruskin — This article is about the art critic, John Ruskin. For the painting of John Ruskin by Millais, see John Ruskin (painting). John Ruskin Coloured engraving of Ruskin Born 8 February 1819( … Wikipedia