Praejudicĭum — (lat., Präjudiz), 1) (Präjudicialsache, Präjudicialklage), eine Streitsache, welche einem Hauptstreite vorausgehen muß u. welche für die Hauptsache von nothwendigem u. entscheidendem Einflusse ist. Dahin gehören bes. die Fragen über Familien ,… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
praejudicium — Prejudgment; prejudice … Ballentine's law dictionary
inter alios res gestas aliis non posse praejudicium facere saepe constitutum est — /inter eyliyas riyz jestas asliyas non posiy prajuwdakaendam faesariy siypiy konstetyuwtem est/ It has been often settled that things which took place between other parties cannot prejudice … Black's law dictionary
inter alios res gestas aliis non posse praejudicium facere saepe constitutum est — /inter eyliyas riyz jestas asliyas non posiy prajuwdakaendam faesariy siypiy konstetyuwtem est/ It has been often settled that things which took place between other parties cannot prejudice … Black's law dictionary
privilegia quae re vera sunt in praejudicium reipublicae, magis tamen habent speciosa frontispicia, et boni publici praetextum, quam bonae et legates concessiones; sed praetextu liciti non debet admitti illictum — /privaliyj(iy)a kwiy riy vira sant in prejadish(iy)am riyaypablasiy, meyjas teyman haebant spiyshiyowsa frantaspish(iy)a, et bownay pablasay pratekstam, kwaem bowniy et lageyliyz kanseshiyowniyz; sed pratekst(y)uw lisatay non debant admitay… … Black's law dictionary
Inter alios res gestas aliis non posse praejudicium facere saepe constitutum est — It has often been decided that matters which were transacted between some persons cannot operate as a prejudice to other persons … Ballentine's law dictionary
Res inter alios judicatae nullum aliis praejudicium faciunt — (Civil law.) Matters which are adjudged as between certain persons effect no prejudice as to others; matters determined in a case do not prejudice those not parties thereto … Ballentine's law dictionary
préjudice — [ preʒydis ] n. m. • 1265; lat. præjudicium « jugement anticipé », de præjudicare « préjuger » 1 ♦ Perte d un bien, d un avantage par le fait d autrui; acte ou événement nuisible aux intérêts de qqn et le plus souvent contraire au droit, à la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
prejudiciu — PREJUDÍCIU, prejudicii, s.n. 1. Pagubă, daună; p. ext. ştirbire a onoarei, a reputaţiei, a prestigiului cuiva. 2. (înv.) Prejudecată. [var.: (înv.) prejudíţiu s.n.] – Din fr. préjudice, lat. praejudicium. Trimis de opr … Dicționar Român
Prejudice — Prej u*dice, n. [F. pr[ e]judice, L. praejudicium; prae before + judicium judgment. See {Prejudicate}, {Judicial}.] 1. Foresight. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Naught might hinder his quick prejudize. Spenser. [1913 Webster] 2. An opinion or judgment… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
prejudice — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French, from Latin praejudicium previous judgment, damage, from prae + judicium judgment more at judicial Date: 13th century 1. injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in… … New Collegiate Dictionary