Смотреть что такое "praedatorius" в других словарях:
praedatorius — index predatory Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
predatorio — ► adjetivo 1 De la caza o del acto de hacer presa: ■ el instinto predatorio de la araña la lleva a elaborar telas para sus víctimas . SINÓNIMO cazador 2 Que tiene relación con el robo o el saqueo: ■ fuimos atacados por expediciones predatorias de … Enciclopedia Universal
Predatory — Pred a*to*ry, a. [L. praedatorius, fr. praedari to plunder, fr. praeda prey. See {Prey}.] 1. Characterized by plundering; practicing rapine; plundering; pillaging; as, a predatory excursion; a predatory party. A predatory war. Macaulay. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Nephandi — articleissues unreferenced=December 2007 in universe=June 2008 notable=June 2008The Nephandi are a fictional group of mages in the role playing game dedicated broadly to spreading corruption, decay, and discord.When taking the roots of modern day … Wikipedia
predatory — predatorily, adv. predatoriness, n. /pred euh tawr ee, tohr ee/, adj. 1. Zool. preying upon other organisms for food. 2. of, pertaining to, or characterized by plunder, pillage, robbery, or exploitation: predatory tactics. 3. engaging in or… … Universalium
Cynoscion — arenarius Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia … Wikipedia
Cynoscion — regalis Systematik Stachelflosser (Acanthopterygii) Barschverwandte (Percomorpha) … Deutsch Wikipedia
predatory — pred·a·to·ry / pre də ˌtōr ē/ adj: inclined or intended to injure competitors by unfair means subject to antitrust liability for predatory conduct National Law Journal predatory bidding Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
predatory — pred|a|to|ry [ˈpredətəri US to:ri] adj [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: praedatorius, from praedari to seize and take away , from praeda stolen things ] 1.) a predatory animal kills and eats other animals for food 2.) trying to use someone s… … Dictionary of contemporary English
predatory — (adj.) 1580s, from L. praedatorius, from praeda prey (see PREDATION (Cf. predation)). Of animals, from 1660s … Etymology dictionary
predatório — adj. 1. Relativo a predação ou a predador. 2. Destruidor. 3. Relativo a roubos, a piratas ou a corsários. ‣ Etimologia: latim praedatorius, a, um, de ladrão … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa