- praedatio
- praedātio, ōnis f. [ praedor ]грабительство, грабёж, расхищение VP, T etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
PRÉDATION — La prédation, activité qu’il ne faut pas confondre avec l’agression, met en jeu des comportements très complexes et très différents suivant les espèces. Elle pose de graves problèmes aussi bien à l’éthologie qu’à la science de l’évolution. Les… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Predation — Pre*da tion, n. [L. praedatio, fr. praedari to plunder.] The act of pillaging. E. Hall. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
predation — noun Etymology: Middle English predacion, from Latin praedation , praedatio, from praedari Date: 15th century 1. the act of preying or plundering ; depredation 2. a mode of life in which food is primarily obtained by the killing and consuming of… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Prädator — Der nordamerikanische Rotschwanzbussard (Buteo jamaicensis) ernährt sich von Kleinsäugern, hier von einer Kalifornischen Feldmaus (Microtus californicus) Als Prädator (lat. praedatio „Raub“;[1] auch Räuber) wird in der Ökologie ein Organismus… … Deutsch Wikipedia
predation — /pri day sheuhn/, n. 1. depredation; plundering. 2. act of plundering or robbing. 3. predatory behavior. 4. a relation between animals in which one organism captures and feeds on others. [1425 75; late ME < L praedation (s. of praedatio) a taking … Universalium
Prädation — Prä|da|ti|on, die; , en [lat. praedatio = das Beutemachen] (Biol.): Beziehung zw. ↑ Räuber (2) und Beute … Universal-Lexikon
predation — (n.) late 15c., act of plundering or pillaging, from L. praedationem (nom. praedatio) a plundering, act of taking booty, from praedari to rob, to plunder, from praeda plunder, booty, prey (see PREY (Cf. prey)). Zoological sense recorded from 1932 … Etymology dictionary
predation — [prɪ deɪʃ(ə)n] noun 1》 Zoology the preying of one animal on others. 2》 (usu. predations) an act of attacking or plundering. Derivatives predate verb Origin C15 (in the L. sense): from L. praedatio(n ) taking of booty , from praedari seize as… … English new terms dictionary
predação — s. f. 1. Ato ou efeito de predar. 2. Atividade de predador. ‣ Etimologia: latim praedatio, onis, pilhagem, roubo … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
predacija — predácija ž DEFINICIJA biol. odnos među organizmima u kojem se jedan (grabljivac, predator) hrani drugim (žrtva, plijen) ETIMOLOGIJA lat. praedatio ≃ praeda: plijen … Hrvatski jezični portal
predation — pre•da•tion [[t]prɪˈdeɪ ʃən[/t]] n. 1) the act of plundering or robbing; depredation 2) predatory behavior 3) ecl Ecol. the capture and consumption of prey • Etymology: 1425–75; late ME < L praedātiō=praedā(rī) to plunder, catch (see predator) … From formal English to slang