Portĭtor — (lat.), 1) Zolleinnehmer; 2) Fährmann; 3) Träger, daher P. ensis, Schwertträger … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
PORTITOR Ursae — apud Statium, Thebaid:l. 1. v. 693. Languet hyperboreae glacialis portitor Ursae: Bootes dicitur. Ita enim Glossographus, iam diescit. Deficit Solis adventu Bootes, qui videtur quodammodo portare Ursam. At potius ad Arctophylacis etymon alludit… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
portitor — … Useful english dictionary
ПОРТИТОР — • Portĭtor, назывался как откупщик пошлин в гавани (τελώνης, publicanus), так и его приказчик … Реальный словарь классических древностей
CHARON — I. CHARON Carthaginensis Historicus, descripsit tyrannos, quotquot in Europa, et Asia fuerunt. Idem prodidit vitas illustrium virorum libris 4. et vitas illustrium feminarum libris totidem. Suidas. II. CHARON Erebi et Noctis fil. inferorum… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ СТАТЕЙ — Абант Άβας Danaus Абанты Άβαντες Абарис Άβαρις Абдера Abdera Абдулонома Абдул Abdulonymus Абелла Abella Абеллинум Abellinum Абеона Abeona Абидос или Абид… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Historical process of beatification and canonization — The process of beatification and canonization has undergone various changes in the history of the Catholic Church. (For current practice, as well as a discussion of other churches, see the article on canonization.) This article describes the… … Wikipedia
Fluctuat nec mergitur — Lateinische Phrasen A B C D E F G H I L M N O P … Deutsch Wikipedia
Beatification and Canonization — • According to some writers the origin in the Catholic Church is to be traced back to the ancient pagan apotheosis Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Beatification and Canonization Beatification and Canoni … Catholic encyclopedia
Charon's obol — Charon and Psyche (1883), a pre Raphaelite interpretation of the myth by John Roddam Spencer Stanhope Charon s obol is an allusive term for the coin placed in or on the mouth[1] of a dead person before burial. According to … Wikipedia
ACHERON — I. ACHERON etiam Epiri fluv. iuxta Pandosiam urbem, ex Acherusiâ, palude thesprotiae, profluens, multisque fluviis auctus in sinum Ambraciam influens, hodie Velichi, seu Verlichi Nigro, Α᾿χερον` Ptolemaeo, Acheros Livio l. 8. c. 24. Straboni… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale