
ī m.
1) царь Коринфа, при дворе которого воспитывался Эдип St
2) один из претендентов на руку Пенелопы O

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Polybus" в других словарях:

  • Polybus — is an ancient Greek male name used by several mythological and real people:*Polybus (physician) was an ancient Greek physician. *Polybus (King of Corinth) was a mythical Corinthian king. *Polybus (King of Sicyon) A King of Sicyon, son of Hermes… …   Wikipedia

  • POLYBUS — I. POLYBUS Aegypti Rex, Alcandrae maritus, qui excepit Menelavin apud Homer. Od. ô. Asricano et Euseb. Thuoris est. Ita Syncellus, Sub Thuori captum est Ilium. Sed IV. saeculorum spatiô ab Ilio capto distat Thuoris, Thebanorum in Aegyto Regum… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Polybus (King of Corinth) — Polybus is a figure in Greek mythology. He was the king of Corinth and husband of either Merope or Periboea. He raised Oedipus as his adopted son, who had been abandoned by his parents Laius and Jocasta of Thebes in Greece. He was the father of… …   Wikipedia

  • Polybus (physician) — Polybus (fl. c. 400 BCE) was an ancient Greek physician and author of the Hippocratic treatise On the Nature of Man , the earliest known text to advance a four humor system of blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. According to Galen, he was …   Wikipedia

  • Polybus — /pol euh beuhs/, n. Class. Myth. a Corinthian king who was the foster father of Oedipus. * * * …   Universalium

  • Polybus — /pol euh beuhs/, n. Class. Myth. a Corinthian king who was the foster father of Oedipus …   Useful english dictionary

  • Oedipus — For other uses, see Oedipus (disambiguation). Oedipus explains the riddle of the Sphinx, by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, c. 1805 Topics in Greek mythology …   Wikipedia

  • Oedipvs — OEDĬPVS, i, & ŏdis, Gr. Ὀιδίπους, οδος, (⇒ Tab. XXII.) 1 §. Namen. Diesen hat er von ὀιδέω, ich schwelle auf, und ποῦς, Fuß, weil er ganz dicke Füße hatte, und solches daher, daß ihm in der ersten Jugend deren Knöchel waren durchlöchert worden.… …   Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon

  • Oedipus the King — Oedipus Rex redirects here. For other uses, see Oedipus Rex (disambiguation). Oedipus the King Albert Greiner as Oedipus in 1896. Written by Sophocles …   Wikipedia

  • Solar (ordinateur) — SOLAR 16 est une gamme de mini ordinateurs créée par la Division Informatique Industrielle (DII) de la société Télémécanique. Fondée en 1924 à Nanterre, la Télémécanique Electrique commence par fabriquer des contacteurs électromécaniques. Après… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Peripeteia — (Greek, polytonic|Περιπέτεια) is a reversal of circumstances, or turning point. The term is primarily used with reference to works of literature. The English form of peripeteia is Peripety . Peripety is a sudden reversal dependent on intellect… …   Wikipedia

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