- Poliorcetes
Poliorcētēs, ae m.Полиоркет («Осаждающий города»), прозвище Деметрия Македонского (337—283 гг. до н. э.) Vtr, Sen
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Demetrius I Poliorcetes — born 336 BC, Macedonia died 283, Cilicia King of Macedonia (294–288). As a young general he fought to rebuild the empire of his father, Antigonus I Monophthalmus. Under his father s command, he initially failed in his assaults on Egypt and… … Universalium
Demetrio Poliorcetes — Demetrio Poliorcetes(Circa 337 adC 283 adC), (el Asediador). Este mote le fue puesto en el año 305 cuando puso sitio a Rodas durante un año, en castigo porque la ciudad había negado anteriormente ayuda a su padre Antígono. Nunca consiguió tomarla … Enciclopedia Universal
Demetrio I Poliorcetes — (336 BC, Macedonia–283, Cilicia). Rey de Macedonia (294–288). Cuando era un joven general, se empeñó en reconstruir el imperio de su padre, Antígono I Monoftalmos. Bajo el mando de este, fracasó inicialmente en sus ataques contra Egipto y Nabatea … Enciclopedia Universal
Demetrius Poliorcetes — noun son of Antigonus Cyclops and king of Macedonia; he and his father were defeated at the battle of Ipsus (337 283 BC) • Syn: ↑Demetrius, ↑Demetrius I • Instance Hypernyms: ↑general, ↑full general, ↑Macedonian … Useful english dictionary
294 BC — NOTOC EventsBy placeGreece* Archidamus IV, king of Sparta, son of Eudamidas I and grandson of Archidamus III, is defeated by Demetrius Poliorcetes of Macedonia in a battle at Mantinea. Sparta is saved only because Demetrius is called away by the… … Wikipedia
Demetrius I of Macedon — Demetrius I Poliorcetes Demetrius I (Greek: Δημήτριος, 337 BC – 283 BC), called Poliorcetes (Greek: Πολιορκητής The Besieger ), son of Antigonus I Monophthalmus and Stratonice, was a king of Macedon (294–288 BC). He belonged to the Antigonid… … Wikipedia
List of ancient Macedonians — This is a list of the ancient Macedonians of Greece (Greek: Μακεδόνες, Makedónes). For other uses, including a list of people from modern day Republic of Macedonia see List of Macedonians Contents 1 Mythology 2 Kings 2.1 Argead Dynasty … Wikipedia
Helepolis — o Helépola (en griego ἑλέπολις, tomadora o conquistadora de ciudades), fue una antigua maquinaria de asedio, en concreto un tipo de torre de asedio de grandes proporciones, desarrollada durante el reinado de Alejandro Magno, y que se utilizó con… … Wikipedia Español
Pirro de Epiro — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Pirro Rey de Epiro, Rey de Macedonia, Rey de Sicilia … Wikipedia Español
307 BC — NOTOC EventsBy placeBabylonia* Antigonus makes peace with Seleucus, who is left free to consolidate his kingdom.Egypt* Ptolemy founds the Museum and Library of Alexandria with the help of Demetrius Phalereus. Like Alexander the Great, Ptolemy has … Wikipedia
306 BC — NOTOC EventsBy placeCyprus* Menelaus, brother of Egypt s ruler, Ptolemy I Soter, is defeated and captured by Demetrius Poliorcetes in the Battle of Salamis, a naval battle off Cyprus. The battle is a complete victory for Demetrius and results in… … Wikipedia