- pincerna
ae m.виночерпий Lampr, Hier
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
PINCERNA — ministerpocula mensae ingerens: qualis Ganymedes, a Diis raptus, fertur Iovi pocula ministrâsse. Unde Ausonius, Technopaegniô, v. 19. de Historiis. Stat Iovis ad cyathum, generat quem Dardanius Tros. Seneca, Ep. 47. Alius vini minister, in… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
pincerna — (Del lat. pincerna). com. Persona que tenía por oficio servir la copa a su señor … Diccionario de la lengua española
Pincerna — (lat.), Mundschenk … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Pincerna — Pincerna, lat., Mundschenk … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
pincerna — (Del lat. pincerna.) ► sustantivo masculino femenino HISTORIA Persona que tenía por oficio servir la copa a su señor. SINÓNIMO copero * * * pincerna (del lat. «pincerna») f. *Copero (servidor de palacio). * * * pincerna. (Del lat. pincerna). com … Enciclopedia Universal
pincerna — pin·cèr·na s.m. 1. LE anche con iniz. maiusc., coppiere: poi cantando della nutrice di Giove e del suo P. (Boccaccio) | il pincerna di Giove: Ganimede 2. TS stor. nelle corti barbariche e, più tardi in alcune corti vescovili, la carica di… … Dizionario italiano
Pincerna — A pincerna was a butler in the household; from the 11c an important member of the royal household. Cf. Pincernarius; Dapifer … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
pincerna — pl.m. pincerni … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
pincerna — com. copero … Diccionario de sinónimos y antónimos
Court officials of the Kingdom of Navarre — The court officials of the Kingdom of Navarre, five in number, were in charge of the smooth functioning of various aspects of the royal court at Pamplona. In the tenth and eleventh centuries these officials were often the youthful sons of the… … Wikipedia
Ranulf I de Soules — Ranulf de Soulis (Ranulf I de Soules) was a Norman knight who came to Scotland with David I. Some websites state that he had a daughter, Juliana, who married William de la Haye, the first Hay in Scotland. This would have made Ranulf an ancestor… … Wikipedia