- Pierus
Pīerus (-os), ī m.Пиэр1) царь Пеллы (Македония), девять дочерей которого, побеждённые в состязании с Музами, были превращены в сорок O2) македонец, отец девяти Муз (или положивший начало их почитанию) C
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Pierus — (Greek: Πίερος), in Greek mythology, is a name attributed to two individuals.*Pierus, the eponym of Pieria, son of Makednos and father of Pierides by Antiope or Euippe, nine maidens who wanted to outshine the Muses. They afterwards entered into a … Wikipedia
PIERUS — I. PIERUS Macedo quidam praedives, qui ex Eurippe uxore 9. suscepit filias, quae Musas ad certamen cantus prov ocare ausae, et ab illis superatae in totidem picas mutatae sunt; unde postea Musae earum nomen, veluti tropheum usurpantes, Pierides… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
ПИЕР — • Piĕrus, Πίερος, 1. гора в македонской области Пиерии, недалеко от северного склона Олимпа, н. Фламбуро. Thuc. 5, 13; 2. река в Ахайе, известная также под именем Πει̃ρος, н. Каменица, во время римских императоров… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Mvsae — MVSAE, arum, Gr. Μοῦσαι, ῶν, (⇒ Tab. X.) 1 §. Namen. Diesen haben sie, nach einigen, von μῶσις, Untersuchung, Phurnut. de N.D. c. 14. nach andern, von μύω, ich lehre, unterrichte, Diod. Sic. l. IV. c. 7. p. 150. & Euseb. ap. Voss. Etymol. in… … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
Les Hiéroglyphes de Pierius — Dans cette Annonciation de Philippe de Champaigne de 1644, la main droite de l ange annonce selon le code des Hiéroglyphes le chiffre deux et demi, puisque le majeur est légèrement replié: soit Jésus Christ fait homme[1] … Wikipédia en Français
Makedon (mythology) — For the Greek municipality see Makednos (municipality). Makedon, also Macedon or Makednos (Greek: Μακεδών), was the eponymous mythological ancestor of the ancient Macedonians according to various ancient Greek fragmentary narratives. In most… … Wikipedia
Muse — This article is about the goddesses. For the English band, see Muse (band). For other uses, see Muse (disambiguation). The nine muses: Clio, Thalia, Erato, Euterpe, Polyhymnia, Calliope, Terpsichore, Urania, Melpomene Greek deities … Wikipedia
Orpheus — For other uses, see Orpheus (disambiguation). Roman mosaic depicting Orpheus, wearing a Phrygian cap and surrounded by the beasts charmed by the music of his lyre. Orpheus ( … Wikipedia
Oeagrus — In Greek mythology, Oeagrus (Ancient Greek: Οἴαγρος; Modern Greek: Οίαγρος), son of Pierus or Tharops, was a king of Thrace. He and the muse Calliope were the parents of Orpheus and Linus.[1][2][3][4] He was also sometimes called the father of… … Wikipedia
Pierides — PIERĬDES, um, Gr. Πιερίδες, ως, Pierinnen, ein gemeiner Beynamen der Musen, welchen sie, nach einigen, von dem Berge Pierius haben, als an dessen annehmlichen Einsamkeit sie um so vielmehr ihr Vergnügen hatten, ie bequemer selbige zu ihren… … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
Pierian — Pi*e ri*an, a. [L. Pierius, from Mount Pierus, in Thessaly, sacred to the Muses.] Of or pertaining to Pierides or Muses. [1913 Webster] Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring. Pope. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English