- physiologia
ae f.естествоведение, исследование природы C, Aug
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Physiologia Plantarum — Is a peer reviewed scientific journal published by Wiley Blackwell on behalf of the Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society. The journal publishes papers on all aspects of all organizational levels of experimental plant biology ranging from… … Wikipedia
Физиология — (physiologia, от греч. physis природа + logos учение, наука, слово) – биологическая наука, изучающая функции целостного организма, его составных частей, происхождение, механизмы и законы жизнедеятельности, связи с окружающей средой; выделяют Ф.… … Словарь терминов по физиологии сельскохозяйственных животных
Carsten Olsen — Carsten Erik Olsen (March 1, 1891 – August 19, 1974) was a Danish plant ecologist and plant physiologist, who pioneered the study of plant nutrition in soils of different pH. He was born in Copenhagen and began studies of botany at the University … Wikipedia
PHYSIOLOGIE — Aristote avait nommé «physiologues» les philosophes grecs présocratiques qui avaient proposé une explication générale de la nature des choses par le recours à quelque élément fondamental (eau, air, feu) ou à quelque composition d’éléments. De là … Encyclopédie Universelle
Fisiología — (Del gr. physiologia, estudio de la naturaleza.) ► sustantivo femenino FISIOLOGÍA Ciencia que estudia las funciones y los órganos de los seres vivos, así como los mecanismos que los regulan. * * * fisiología (del lat. «physiologĭa», del gr.… … Enciclopedia Universal
James Dalrymple, 1st Viscount of Stair — (May, 1619 November 29, 1695), Scottish lawyer and statesman, was born at Drummurchie, Barr, South Ayrshire.BiographyHe was descended from a family for several generations inclined to the principles of the Reformation, and had ancestors both on… … Wikipedia
Science and British philosophy: Boyle and Newton — G.A.J.Rogers INTRODUCTION Achievements in the natural sciences in the period from Nicholas Copernicus (1473– 1543) to the death of Isaac Newton (1642–1727) changed our whole understanding of the nature of the universe and of the ways in which we… … History of philosophy
Physiologie — Phy|si|o|lo|gie [fyzi̯olo gi:], die; : 1. Wissenschaft von den Funktionen und Abläufen im (menschlichen, tierischen oder pflanzlichen) Organismus. Zus.: Neurophysiologie, Zellphysiologie. 2. Funktionen und Abläufe eines Organismus: die… … Universal-Lexikon
4-Chloroindole-3-acetic acid — IUPAC name 2 (4 chloro 1H indol 3 yl)acetic acid … Wikipedia
Edward Wright (mathematician) — For the 20th century mathematician, see Edward Maitland Wright. Edward Wright Title page of the first edition of Wright s Certaine Errors in Navigation (1599) … Wikipedia
Michael Alberti — (* 13. November 1682 in Nürnberg; † 17. Mai 1757 in Halle (Saale)) war ein deutscher Mediziner, Physiker und Philosoph. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia