- Phoebidas
Phoebidās, ae m.Фебид, спартанский военачальник, занявший в 383 г. до н. э. Кадмею в Фивах Nep
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Phoebidas — (Greek: el. Φοιβίδας) was a Spartan general who, in 382 BC, seized the Theban acropolis, thus giving Sparta control over Thebes. To punish his unauthorized action, Phoebidas was relieved of command. Nevertheless, the Spartans continued to hold… … Wikipedia
PHOEBIDAS — Polyaeno Phoebiadas, l. 2. c. 3. n. 1. Lacedaemonius, ab Ephoris auxilio Amyntae, adversus Olynthios et Thracas, missus, Diodor. Sic. l. 15. f. 467. Occupavit Cadmiam Boeotorum: Erumpens ex Thespiis contra Boeotos quingentis suorum amissis… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
ФЕБИД — • Phoebĭdas, Φοιβίδας, спартанский полководец, занял в 383 или 382 г. во время похода в Олинф Кадмею, без приказания своего правительства (по Diod. Sic. 15, 20, наоборот, с согласия), вызванный к этому олигархами в Фивах; за это он… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
ancient Greek civilization — ▪ historical region, Eurasia Introduction the period following Mycenaean civilization, which ended in about 1200 BC, to the death of Alexander the Great, in 323 BC. It was a period of political, philosophical, artistic, and scientific… … Universalium
382 BC — NOTOC EventsBy placeGreece* The Theban general and statesman, Pelopidas flees to Athens and takes the lead in attempts to liberate Thebes from Spartan control. * In punishment for his unauthorized action in the previous year of taking over Thebes … Wikipedia
Epaminondas — Infobox Military Person name= Epaminondas caption= Epaminondas allegiance= Thebes rank= commands= nickname= lived= ca. 418 BC ndash; 362 BC placeofbirth= placeofdeath= laterwork= battles= Battle of Leuctra, Battle of Mantinea… … Wikipedia
Agesilaus II — Agesilaus II, or Agesilaos II (Greek polytonic|Ἀγησίλαος) (444 BC ndash; 360 BC) was a king of Sparta, of the Eurypontid dynasty, ruling from approximately 400 BC to 360 BC, during most of which time he was, in Plutarch s words, as good as… … Wikipedia
383 BC — NOTOC EventsBy placeGreece* King Amyntas III of Macedon, forms a temporary alliance with the Chalcidian League. Sparta, whose policy is to keep Greeks disunited, sends an expedition northwards to disrupt the Chalcidian League, a confederation of… … Wikipedia
Peace of Antalcidas — The Peace of Antalcidas (387 BC), also known as the King s Peace, was a peace treaty that ended the Corinthian War in ancient Greece. The treaty s official name comes from the Spartan diplomat who traveled to Susa to negotiate the terms of the… … Wikipedia
Sphodrias — was a Spartan general during the period of Greek history known as the Spartan hegemony. In 379 BC, he was in command of a garrison in the Spartan occupied city of Thespiae in Boeotia. Aiming to increase Spartan power in the region, he attempted… … Wikipedia
History of Sparta — This article covers the history of Sparta from its founding to the present, concentrating primarily on the Spartan state during the height of its power from the 6th to the 4th century BCE.The LegendTradition relates that Sparta was founded by its … Wikipedia