- Phocaea
Phōcaea, ae f.Фокея, приморский го- род в Ионии, к сев.-зап. от Смирны, против города Лесбос, метрополия Массилии L, Mela, PM
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
PHOCAEA — urbs Aeolidis in ora, inter Cumam ad Boream et Smyrnam ad meridiem, a quâ 25. mill. pass. recedit, apud ostia Hermi fluv. episcopalis sub Archiepiscopo Smyrnensi. Baudrando hodie Fochia vecchia, in ora maris Aegaei, etiamnum urbs munita, et… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Phocaea — [fō sē′ə] ancient Ionian city in W Asia Minor, on the Aegean … English World dictionary
Phocaea — This article is about the ancient city. For the modern city, see Foça Infobox Settlement official name = Phocaea (Φώκαια) other name = (Foça) imagesize = 280px image caption = The theater of PhocaeaLocation map Turkey label=Phocaea label size=100 … Wikipedia
Phocaea — Asteroid (25) Phocaea Eigenschaften des Orbits (Simulation) Orbittyp Hauptgürtelasteroid Große Halbachse 2,4000 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Phocaea — /foh see euh/, n. an ancient seaport in Asia Minor: northernmost of the Ionian cities; later an important maritime state. * * * Ancient city on the Aegean Sea, northernmost of the Ionian cities on the western coast of Asia Minor (now the Gulf of… … Universalium
Phocaea (Titularbistum) — Phocaea (ital.: Focea) ist ein Titularbistum der römisch katholischen Kirche. Es geht zurück auf einen untergegangenen Bischofssitz in der antiken Stadt Phokaia (heute westliche Türkei). Der Bischofssitz gehörte der Kirchenprovinz Smyrna an.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Phocaea (Asteroid) — Asteroid (25) Phocaea Eigenschaften des Orbits (Simulation) Orbittyp Hauptgürtelasteroid Große Halbachse 2,4000 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Phocaea family — The Phocaea asteroids are a group of asteroids that orbit the sun between 2.25 and 2.5 AU. Asteroids in this group have orbits with eccentricities greater than 0.1 and inclinations between 18 and 32. [ [http://www.easysky.de/eng/screenshots/index … Wikipedia
Phocaea — geographical name ancient city of Asia Minor on Aegean Sea in N Ionia • Phocaean adjective or noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
Phocaea — Pho•cae•a [[t]foʊˈsi ə[/t]] n. anh geg an ancient seaport in Asia Minor: northernmost of the Ionian cities; later an important maritime state … From formal English to slang
Phocaea — /foʊˈsiə/ (say foh seeuh) noun an ancient port on the western coast of Asia Minor, the farthest north of the Ionian cities in this area …