
Phēgeus, ei m.
Фегей, царь Псофиды (Аркадия), отец Алфесибеи, тесть Алкмеона O

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Phegeus" в других словарях:

  • Phegeus — was a Greek mythological king who offered succor and his daughter, Arsinoe (named Alphesiboea in some versions), to Alcmaeon, who was fleeing from the Erinyes. Alcmaeon left his mother s, Eriphyle s, jewelry and clothing with him and then… …   Wikipedia

  • Phegeus — Phegeus. 1) Sohn des Inachos od. Alpheos, König in Arkadien; war Vater des Alphesiböa Arsinoë, des Pronoos u. Agenor, od. Temenos u. Axion; er wurde von den Söhnen des Alkmäon ermordet; 2) Sohn des Dares 2) …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Phegeus — {{Phegeus}} König von Psophis, der Alkmaion** entsühnte, mit seiner Tochter verheiratete und später töten ließ …   Who's who in der antiken Mythologie

  • PHEGEUS — I. PHEGEUS pater Alphesiboeae, qui Alcmaeonem, quum iussu patris matrem occidistet, et ob eam rem Furiis agitaretur, purgavit eique Alphesiboeam filiam matrimonio locavit. Ovid. Met. l. 9. Apollodoro, filia eius Arsinoe, quae Alcmaeoni iuncta… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • 30704 Phegeus — Infobox Planet minorplanet = yes width = 25em bgcolour = #FFFFC0 apsis = name = Phegeus symbol = caption = discovery = yes discovery ref = discoverer = discovery site = discovered = , designations = yes mp name = 30704 alt names = 3250 T 3 mp… …   Wikipedia

  • Agenor, son of Phegeus — Agenor (Gr. polytonic|Ἀγήνωρ) was a son of Phegeus, king of Psophis, in Arcadia.Citation | last = Schmitz | first = Leonhard | author link = | contribution = Agenor (5) | editor last = Smith | editor first = William | title = Dictionary of Greek… …   Wikipedia

  • ФЕГЕЙ —    • Phegeus,          Φηγεύς,        1. сын Алфея, брат Форонея, царь аркадский, отец Алфесибэи или Арсинои, Проноя и Агенора или Темена и Аксиона, см. Alcameon, Алкмеон. Вместе со своими сыновьями он был убит сыновьями Алкмеона;        2. сын… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Alcmaeon (mythology) — In Greek mythology, Alcmaeon, or Alkmáon, was the son of Amphiaraus and Eriphyle. As one of the Epigoni, he was a leader of the Argives who attacked Thebes, taking the city in retaliation for the deaths of their fathers, the Seven Against Thebes …   Wikipedia

  • Alcmaeon — /alk mee euhn/, n. Class. Myth. a son of Amphiaraus and Eriphyle who commanded the second expedition against Thebes. He killed his mother for sending his father to certain death and was driven mad by the Furies. * * * or Alcmeon In Greek… …   Universalium

  • Alcmaeon — ALCMAEON, ŏnis, Gr. Ἀλκμαίων, ονος, (⇒ Tab. XXV.) des Amphiaraus und der Eriphyle Sohn. Diod. Sicul. lib. IV. c. 7. Er wurde von den Epigonen in dem andern Zuge wider Theben auf des Orakels Befehl zu ihrem Oberhaupte erwählet, wobey er sich… …   Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon

  • Eriphyle — In Greek mythology, Eriphyle, daughter of Talaus, was the mother of Alcmaeon and the wife of Amphiaraus. Eriphyle persuaded Amphiaraus to take part in the raid that initiated the mythic tale of the Seven Against Thebes, though she knew he would… …   Wikipedia

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