- Pharsalia
Pharsālia, ae f.1) область Фарсала Ctl, T, O, Lcn2) название поэмы Лукана
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Pharsalia — was also an ancient district in Greece in which Pharsalus was located. Pharsalia (also known as De Bello Civili or On the Civil War ) is a Roman epic poem by the poet Lucan, telling of the civil war between Julius Caesar and the forces of the… … Wikipedia
Pharsalia — [fär sā′lē ə] district in ancient Thessaly, surrounding Pharsalus … English World dictionary
Pharsalia — Marcus Annaeus Lucanus (* 3. November 39 n. Chr. in Córdoba; † 30. April 65 in Rom), bekannt als Lucan, war ein römischer Dichter und Neffe Senecas des Jüngeren (und somit Enkel Senecas des Älteren). (Lucans Vater Marcus (?) Annaeus Mela war Sohn … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pharsalia Technologies — Pharsalia Technologies, Inc. was founded in December 1999, located in Roswell, Georgia, as an emerging company developing network infrastructure products for the Internet market. Their mission was to provide unique solutions that enable Internet… … Wikipedia
PHARSALIA, a PHARSALO — oppido dicitur tota Thessalia. Lucan. l. 1. v. 38. Diros Pharsalia campos Impleat. Item Lucani poema, quod seripsit de bello Civili inter Caesarem et Pompeium: Pharsalia nostra (inquit ipse) Vivet, et a nullo tenebris damnabitur aevo. Nic.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Pharsalia, New York — Infobox Settlement official name = Pharsalia, New York settlement type = Town nickname = motto = imagesize = image caption = image |pushpin pushpin label position = pushpin map caption =Location within the state of New York pushpin mapsize =… … Wikipedia
Pharsalia — Pharsalian, adj. /fahr say lee euh, sayl yeuh/, n. a district in ancient Greece whose chief city was Pharsalus. * * * … Universalium
PHARSALIA — a district in the N. of Greece, the southern portion of the modern province of Larissa; was the scene of Cæsar s victory over Pompey, 48 B.C … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Pharsalia — Pharsalian, adj. /fahr say lee euh, sayl yeuh/, n. a district in ancient Greece whose chief city was Pharsalus … Useful english dictionary
De Bello civili sive Pharsalia — Pharsale (Lucain) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Pharsale. La Guerre civile, plus connue sous le nom de Pharsale, est une épopée latine inachevée, écrite en hexamètres dactyliques, et l œuvre principale du poète stoïcien Lucain. Son titre… … Wikipédia en Français
13578 — Pharsalia, Ny (Miscellaneous » ZIP Codes) … Abbreviations dictionary