- phager
grī m. (греч.)фагр (род рыбы) PM, O
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Othreis — In Greek mythology, Othreis was a nymph who consorted with both Zeus and Apollo and became by them mother of Meliteus and Phager respectively. When Meliteus was born, Othreis, in fear of Hera s wrath, exposed the child. The boy, however, was… … Wikipedia
Othreis — Dans la mythologie grecque, Othreis était une nymphe qui fréquentait à la fois Zeus et Apollon dont elle eut deux fils, Phager l ainé et Meliteus. Quand Meliteus fut né, Othreis abandonna l enfant dans la nature de peur de la colère d Héra. Le… … Wikipédia en Français
porgy — noun (plural porgies; also porgy) Etymology: alteration of pargo, from Spanish & Portuguese, from Latin phager, from Greek phagros Date: 1671 1. a blue spotted silvery red food fish (Pagrus pagrus of the family Sparidae) of the eastern and… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Apollo — This article is about the Greek and Roman god. For other uses, see Apollo (disambiguation) and Phoebus (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Phobos (mythology). Apollo … Wikipedia
Suspicion Breeds Confidence — Infobox Musical artist Name = Suspicion Breeds Confidence Img capt = Img size = Landscape = Background = group or band Alias = Origin = Germany Instrument = Genre = Electronic music, Experimental, IDM, glitch, ambient, industrial Years active =… … Wikipedia
pagre — [ pagr ] n. m. • 1505; lat. pager, du gr. phagros ♦ Poisson de mer, voisin de la dorade. ● pagre nom masculin (latin pagrus, du grec phagros) Poisson (sparidé) omnivore des mers chaudes. (On en connaît 4 espèces sur nos côtes : le pagre rayé… … Encyclopédie Universelle
APOLECTOS — apud Plin. l. 32. c. 11. inter genera pelamydum: Phager, Phycis saxatilium, Pelamys, earum generis maxima Apolectos vocatur, durior Tritone; Sed perperam; ἀπόλεκτος enim subintellige τόμος, pars grandior et selectior est pelamidis consectae, quae … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
pagro — pà·gro s.m. 1. TS itt.com. pesce del genere Pagro (Pagrus pagrus) di colore rosso o roseo e argentato sui fianchi, diffuso nel Mediterraneo e nell Atlantico e molto apprezzato per le sue carni Sinonimi: manfrone. 2. TS ittiol. pesce del genere… … Dizionario italiano
pagrus — págrus s. m. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic PÁGRUS s.m. (zool.) Peşte marin asemănător cu dorada, apreciat pentru carnea sa. [< fr. pagre, it. pagro, cf. lat. phager, gr … Dicționar Român
ՓԱԳՐՈՍ — (ի, աց.) NBH 2 0923 Chronological Sequence: 11c գ. Բառ յն. ֆաղրօս. կամ բա՛ղրօս. φάγρος, πάγρος phager, phagrus, pagrus. Կէտ մեծ ʼի նեղոս, որ ասի ունել ատամունս եւ մօրում, եւ ոսկր խիստ ʼի վերայ գլխոյն. ըստ կրետացւոց կոչեցեալ, որ է վէմ, յեսան.… … հայերեն բառարան (Armenian dictionary)
porgy — name given to various sea fishes, 1725, probably from pargo (1550s) sea bream, from Sp. or Port. pargo, from L. phagrum, acc. of phager, from Gk. phagros sea bream … Etymology dictionary