- petasus
ī m. (греч.)1) дорожная шляпа с широкими полями Pl, Eccl2) род купола, перекрытия или навеса Vr ap. PM
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
PETASUS — pileus Thessalicus. Sueton. in Aug. c. 82. Dominon nisi petastaus sub Dio conspiciebatur. Erant autem istiusmodi pilei marginati ac arcendo Soli apprime accommodi, quales nostrates galeri sunt: cum communes pilei margine carerent, sicut ii, in… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Petasus — Pet a*sus, n. [L., from Gr. ?.] (Gr. & Rom. Antiq.) The winged cap of Mercury; also, a broad brimmed, low crowned hat worn by Greeks and Romans. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Petasus — is a sun hat of Thessalian origin worn by the ancient Greeks, often in combination with the chlamys cape. As a winged hat it became the symbol of Hermes, the Greek mythological messenger god (Roman equivalent Mercury). Also spelled petasos, it… … Wikipedia
petasus — noun see petasos … New Collegiate Dictionary
petasus — /pet euh seuhs/, n., pl. petasuses. a broad brimmed hat worn by ancient Greek travelers and hunters, often represented in art as a winged hat worn by Hermes or Mercury. Also, petasos /pet euh seuhs, sos /. [1590 1600; < L < Gk pétasos, akin to… … Universalium
PETASUS — the winged cap of the god Mercury … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
petasus — [ pɛtəsəs] noun a hat with a low crown and broad brim, worn in ancient Greece. ↘Greek Mythology a winged hat of this type worn by the god Hermes. Origin via L. from Gk petasos … English new terms dictionary
petasus — pet·a·sus … English syllables
petasus — pet•a•sus [[t]ˈpɛt ə səs[/t]] n. pl. sus•es anq+clo a broad brimmed hat worn by ancient Greeks, often represented as a winged hat worn by Hermes • Etymology: 1590–1600; < L < Gk pétasos, akin to petannýnai to spread out … From formal English to slang
petasus — /ˈpɛtəsəs/ (say petuhsuhs) noun a low crowned, broad brimmed hat worn by ancient Greeks and Romans, often represented as worn by Hermes or Mercury. {Latin, from Greek petasos} …
petasus — n. 1 an ancient Greek hat with a low crown and broad brim, esp. (in Greek mythology) as worn by Hermes. 2 the winged hat of Hermes. Etymology: L f. Gk petasos … Useful english dictionary