- perfunctorius
perfūnctōrius, a, umповерхностный ( sermo Ambr)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
perfunctorio — perfunctorio, a (del lat. «perfunctorĭus») adj. Hecho sin cuidado. ⇒ *Descuidado. * * * perfunctorio, ria. (Del lat. perfunctorĭus). adj. p. us. Hecho sin cuidado, a la ligera. * * * ► adjetivo Hecho sin cuidado, a la ligera … Enciclopedia Universal
Perfunctory — Per*func to*ry, a. [L. perfunctorius, fr. perfunctus dispatched, p. p. of perfungi to discharge, dispatch; per (see {Per}) + fungi to perform. See {Function}.] 1. Done merely to get rid of a duty; performed mechanically and as a thing of rote;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
perfunctory — adjective Etymology: Late Latin perfunctorius, from Latin perfungi to accomplish, get through with, from per through + fungi to perform more at per , function Date: 1593 1. characterized by routine or superficiality ; mechanical < a perfunctory… … New Collegiate Dictionary
perfunctory — perfunctorily, adv. perfunctoriness, n. /peuhr fungk teuh ree/, adj. 1. performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial: perfunctory courtesy. 2. lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm; indifferent or apathetic: In his lectures he… … Universalium
perfunctory — per|func|to|ry [pəˈfʌŋktəri US pər ] adj formal [Date: 1500 1600; : Late Latin; Origin: perfunctorius, from Latin perfunctus, past participle of perfungi to get something done ] a perfunctory action is done quickly, and is only done because… … Dictionary of contemporary English
perfunctory — 1580s, from L.L. perfunctorius careless, negligent, lit. like one who wishes to get through a thing, from L. perfungus, pp. of perfungi discharge, get through, from per through + fungi perform (see FUNCTION (Cf. function)) … Etymology dictionary
perfunctory — [pə fʌŋ(k)t(ə)ri] adjective carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection. Derivatives perfunctorily adverb perfunctoriness noun Origin C16: from late L. perfunctorius careless , from L. perfunct , perfungi have done with, discharge … English new terms dictionary
perfunctório — adj. 1. Que dura pouco. = LEVE, PASSAGEIRO ≠ DURADOURO, PERMANENTE 2. Que é pouco importante ou pouco aprofundado. = LIGEIRO, SUPERFICIAL ≠ PROFUNDO 3. Que se faz só por se dizer que se fez, e não por necessidade ou com algum fim útil. ≠… … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
perfunctory — per•func•to•ry [[t]pərˈfʌŋk tə ri[/t]] adj. 1) performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial: perfunctory courtesy[/ex] 2) lacking interest or enthusiasm; apathetic: a perfunctory speaker[/ex] • Etymology: 1575–85; < LL… … From formal English to slang
perfunctory — /pəˈfʌŋktəri / (say puh fungktuhree) adjective 1. performed merely as an uninteresting or routine duty; mechanical; indifferent, careless, or superficial: perfunctory courtesy. 2. acting merely out of duty; formal; official. {Late Latin… …
perfunctorio — perfunctorio, ria (Del lat. perfunctorĭus). adj. p. us. Hecho sin cuidado, a la ligera … Diccionario de la lengua española