- Percote
Percōtē, ēs f.Перкота, город в Триаде на побережье Мисии VF, PM
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Percote — was a town or city on the southern (Asian) side of the Hellespont, to the northeast of Troy. Percote is mentioned a few times in Greek mythology, where it plays a very minor role each time. It was said to be the home of a notable seer named… … Wikipedia
PERCOTE — quae et Percope olim dicta fuit, urbs littoralis Troadis, Stephan. In ora Mysiae. Val. Flac. l. 2. v. 622. Iam iuga Percotes, Pariumque infame fragosis. Exsuperant Pythiamque vadis. A Persarum Rege Themistocli in vestes et stragula data. Hinc… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Percote (moth) — Taxobox color = pink name = Percote regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Insecta ordo = Lepidoptera familia = Arctiidae genus = Percote Percote is a genus of moth in the family Arctiidae.Reference* [http://www.nhm.ac.uk/jdsml/research… … Wikipedia
ПЕРХОТА — • Percōte, Περκώτη, весьма древний город в Мисии между Абидом и Лампсаком, н. Bergas. Horn. Il. 2, 835. 11, 229. Hdt. 5, 117. Strab. 13, 585 сл. 590 … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Троада в древнегреческой мифологии — Приам, просящий у Ахиллеса тело Гектора. Троада регион города Троя. Содержание 1 Введение … Википедия
percuotere — per·cuò·te·re v.tr. e intr. (io percuòto) I. v.tr. I 1. CO battere, colpire con mani, piedi o con un oggetto: percuotere la campana col batacchio, la porta con le nocche | OB LE far sbattere inavvertitamente contro qcs.: passeggiando tra le teste … Dizionario italiano
Arisbe — may refer to:* Another name for Batea, a person in Greek Mythology* An early (pre Hecuba) wife of King Priam of Troy, also from Greek Mythology. This Arisbe was a daughter of the seer Merops of Percote.* In Homer s Iliad , a city in the Troad. It … Wikipedia
Hyrtacus — In Greek mythology, Hyrtacus is an obscure character, associated with the Trojan War. He was a comrade of King Priam of Troy. Hyrtacus married Arisbe, daughter of King Merops of Percote, after Priam had divorced her to marry Hecabe. Hyrtacus s… … Wikipedia
Melanippus — Not to be confused with Melanippe. In Greek mythology, there were nine people named Melanippus (Μελάνιππος): One of the sons of Agrius, killed by Diomedes.[1] Son of Perigune and Theseus, the father of Ioxus who, together with Ornytus, led a… … Wikipedia
Merops — may refer to: Merops (genus), a genus of bee eaters. MEROPS, an on line database for peptidases. It may also refer to several figures from Greek mythology: King of Ethiopia, husband of Clymene, who lay with Helios and bore Phaethon Resident of… … Wikipedia
List of Trojan War characters — This is a list of mythological characters who appear in narratives concerning the Trojan War. Armies on the Greek side (Achaeans) See Catalogue of Ships#Abantes #Arcadia #Aetolia #Athens and Salamis #Argos and Tiryns #Boebeans (Thessaly) #Boeotia … Wikipedia