
per-ago, ēgī, āctum, ere
1) гнать (asīlus pecora perăgens Sen)
а) проделывать, совершать (navigationem Cs); проходить (iter VF)
qviem dederat cursum fortuna, peregi V — какой путь указала судьба, такой я и прошла (слова Дидоны)
б) проплывать (freta O); проводить (comitia C; conventūs Cs); преодолевать, выдерживать, переносить (fortunam V); исполнять, завершать, заканчивать (inceptum consulatum C); прожить (aetatem O; vitam O)
quum peracta fata sint Aus — когда жизнь окончилась
в) провести (noctem QC)
p. otia O — мирно проводить время
diebus tribus peractis L — по прошествии трёх дней
mors peracta PJ, Sil — наступившая смерть
multum egerunt, qui ante nos fuerunt, sed non peregerunt Sen — те, кто жили до нас, много свершили, но (ничего) не завершили
hibernis peractis Cs — по окончании зимнего периода
3) сыграть (fabulam C; partes suas PJ)
4) довести до конца (inceptum V, L; accusationem PJ)
5) подвести под обвинительный приговор, осудить (reum L, O; aliquis peractus non est ob mortem T)
6) разрыхлять, обрабатывать (humum O)
7) пронзать (latus ense O); умерщвлять (jam peractus est M)
8) раздавать, распределять (dona V)
9) излагать, выражать, формулировать (sententiam L; jus jurandum L); описывать (res gestas L)
10) перепаривать (cibum PM)

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "perago" в других словарях:

  • Perago — This unusual and interesting surname is of Old French origin, and is either from a regional surname from the province of Perigord in south west France, or from a locational surname from Perigueux, the capital town of Perigord. Both placenames are …   Surnames reference

  • Perigeaux — This unusual and interesting surname is of Old French origin, and is either from a regional surname from the province of Perigord in south west France, or from a locational surname from Perigueux, the capital town of Perigord. Both placenames are …   Surnames reference

  • Perigo — This unusual and interesting surname is of Old French origin, and is either from a regional surname from the province of Perigord in south west France, or from a locational surname from Perigueux, the capital town of Perigord. Both placenames are …   Surnames reference

  • Perigoe — This unusual and interesting surname is of Old French origin, and is either from a regional surname from the province of Perigord in south west France, or from a locational surname from Perigueux, the capital town of Perigord. Both placenames are …   Surnames reference

  • Perrygo — This unusual and interesting surname is of Old French origin, and is either from a regional surname from the province of Perigord in south west France, or from a locational surname from Perigueux, the capital town of Perigord. Both placenames are …   Surnames reference

  • Perrigo — This unusual and interesting surname is of Old French origin, and is either from a regional surname from the province of Perigord in south west France, or from a locational surname from Perigueux, the capital town of Perigord. Both placenames are …   Surnames reference

  • List of national mottos — This page lists state and national mottos for the world s nations. The mottos for some states lacking general international recognition, extinct states, non sovereign nations and territories are listed, but their names are not bolded. A state… …   Wikipedia

  • North Borneo — Borneo Utara Colony of the United Kingdom (Protectorate until 1946)   ← …   Wikipedia

  • Papal Oath (Traditionalist Catholic) — The Papal Oath is an oath (see text below) that some Traditionalist Catholics say was taken by the popes of the Catholic Church, starting with Pope Saint Agatho, who was elected on 27 June 678. They claim that over 180 popes, down to and… …   Wikipedia

  • British North Borneo Company — The British North Borneo Company or North Borneo Chartered Company was a chartered company assigned to administer North Borneo (today s Sabah in Malaysia) in August 1881. North Borneo became a protectorate of the British Empire with internal… …   Wikipedia

  • Tauranga Boys' College — Infobox NZ school name = Tauranga Boys College badge = motto = Pergo et Perago (Strive and Achieve [] ) type = State single sex boys, Secondary (Year 9 13) established = 1958 address = 664… …   Wikipedia

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